Chapter 1 - New Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that's nice. Ah, well, it could have been better than I hoped... But I think I'll still manage to get a passing grade." Asuka twirled an extended strand with her finger, looking a little disappointed in herself.

"Hey, it's okay Asuka, don't think about it too much. You did your best and that's all that matters! As long as you pass, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about."

"Thanks... You always know exactly how to make me feel better..."

"Haha, that's what childhood friends are for! You'll see, we both will fulfill our promise and our dream of being popular idols will soon become a reality." Ayame faced her, a reassuring smile on her face.

"Yeah, I hope so..." Asuka whispered as she then looked up.

Fluffy grey clouds blanketed the sky, allowing only a few sunbeams to pass through to warm the chilly winter afternoon. Just like an effect, even in this cold, an indescribable warmth filled the air surrounding the two girls. It was that of hope and anticipation of the exciting new school life that awaited the young duo...




The warm, blooming spring enveloped the last bits of the remaining winter. The tiny chirping of birds almost sounded like a playing melody filling up every corner of the street. It was also the day for the publication of the exam results. The two friends held each other's hands to soothe their tingling nerves. While walking down the paved sakura road, a certain broadcast appeared on the big screens - revealing the much talked about emerging idol group.

The letters flashed slowly on the shimmering light, as if to embed a distinctive mark in one's mind. 






Asuka stopped to a halt, jerking Ayame back a little too. She was gazing straight at the vivid screen; her eyes were glued on the members singing their debut song. It was such a big craze in their time that one would wonder how did they start off as just beginners? Every movement, every gesture, every step seemed like a spell swallowing anyone away from reality even if for a moment.

"Asuka? What's the hold-up?" Ayame asked upon seeing her friend in a daze.

It took Asuka a few seconds to snap out of her thoughts.

"A-Ah, it's nothing... I was just admiring their talent."

"Aren't they the new surfacing group from Saotome Academy? Starish, right?" Ayame tilted her head in wonder.

"Yeah! I mean, if they were able to pull it off in so little time, does that give us a little chance too?"

Ayame smiled brightly at Asuka's dubious question.

"Most definitely! You'll see, we will be debuting as a duo before you can even blink!" She then squeezed Asuka's hand as if to seal their exchange.

And so, they set off once again towards the towering building while leaving behind Starish's heartfelt message at the end of their song. It wasn't long until the two friends reached their much-awaited destination. The majestic Saotome academy felt quieter than usual, perhaps because the semester hadn't started yet for enrolled students. The results of the exam had just been issued.

"Well, here goes." Ayame breathed a deep breath accompanied by Asuka's nod.

"We have come this far... All we can do is hope that we did enough." Asuka enclosed their doubts.

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