The Hedgehog's Dilemma

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Halloween was, for all terms and purposes, a time of make-belief. A fantasy of a night when boys became ghouls, girls became fairies and lies became truths. Halloween was an explosion of forgeries, the conviviality of distortions. It was the one night a year where veracity traded places with deceit, and authenticity became a sin.

Halloween was the feasting of fiction. And there was nothing Teddy loved more than a good night of fiction. He'd take a life of it if he could.

Standing in the middle of his room, staring at his finished costume in the mirror, he wondered if he could actually keep this act up. Contrary to what he once believed, the bluff wasn't getting any easier. And he was becoming tired of pretending. This charade required more mental energy than he possessed.

At least I look good, he thought as he fixed the cempazuchitl flower on his lapel. His black tuxedo had some small pearls embroidered along his lapel and sleeves, but it was the makeup on his face, a classic Mexican black-and-white skull, that did most of the work. A bowler hat, decorated with white and purple gardenias, gave his attire the final touch.

A knock on the door brought him out of his head. He didn't open at once; instead, his hand hovered over the doorknob, expectancy taking over his stiff body.

He spoke, hesitation propelling each of his words. "Who is it?"

A familiar feminine voice answered him back. "It's me. Open up!"

A sigh containing all his doubt and anticipation left his body, leaving behind only the considerable excitement he still harboured for the night ahead.

Emilia's face was partially hidden behind a black lace mask that covered her eyes. A cascade of long, dark feathers came out of the left side of the mask, a stark contrast to her blonde, flowy hair. As Teddy lowered his eyes, he realized Emilia sported what was basically lingerie: a tight, black bustier and a pair of impossibly short hot pants, coupled with over-the-knee black leather boots, made her look like the lead character out of some teenage boy's wet dream.

"Wow," he said, closing the door behind her. "What are you supposed to be?"

"A hot girl wearing a black mask," she simply answered and Teddy couldn't help but laugh at her boldness. "And you're... a dead rich man?"

"I'm a catrín. It's a traditional Mexican costume."

"Love it. So, are you ready?"

"Almost. Have to fix my tie." He turned back to face his reflection, dodging her question.

"That's not what I meant," she said, sitting on the bed, legs crossed. "And you know it."

"I know what you meant," he replied, sighing as he undid his tie, "and the answer is still I don't know. I don't see why I should do anything. Things are fine the way they are."

Emilia let out a loud, unforgiving laugh that chilled his bones. "You call your current state fine? Teddy, you are everything but fine. You're in pain, you're in torture! The best you can do is rip off the band aid. Tell Tripp how you feel."

Teddy grunted, messing up the knot and undoing it again. "What if I drive him away?"

Emilia stood up and walked to him, taking the tie out of his hands and doing the knot herself. "Teddy's a good guy, he would never do anything to hurt you. If he doesn't feel the same way, he'll let you down gently and you can finally move on."

"What if I don't want to move on? That's too t-tight."

"Oh sorry," she apologized, loosening the knot. "I don't believe that and neither do you. No one wants to live in pain, Teddy."

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