"P" is an Unknown Truth

64 18 44

Tripp sat under the wide red and blue umbrella, one hand holding Violet's while the other grabbed his gin and tonic. In front of him, a ten-man band played some of the laziest jazz he had ever heard and he couldn't stop himself from cringing when the singer tried to reach a high note and failed spectacularly.

"I've heard better jazz at a depression commercial," Tony said, unforgivingly, as he rang a tiny, silver bell.

Immediately, the jazz band stopped playing. Standing up and bowing before them, they quickly removed their instruments and cleared the space for the next band.

"Are we in the mood for classical?" Violet asked, her eyes fixed on the menu in her hands.

Renata was quick to shut down the suggestion. "God no. If I wanted to be bored to death, I would talk to my mother."

"How about Bossa nova?" Laetitia asked, peaking at the menu over Violet's shoulder.

"That's just ethnic jazz," Renata replied, drumming her nails on the table.

"Oh, there's a mariachi option. I bet Teddy would like that," Laetitia said and Tripp didn't know how to interpret the comment. "Too bad he's not here. Where is he, again?"

"At the Mauve Letters," Tripp quickly answered. "He had a deadline for his SSoM column."

"I'm actually a fan of what he's doing with the SSoM," Bradford said and twelve pairs of eyebrows raised in response.

"I didn't know you could read, Brady boy," Tony teased, punching Bradford in the shoulder and bringing out a loud grunt from the burly young man.

"You should read it," Tripp went on, ignoring the boys. "It's actually quite funny."

"I'd rather have a Pap smear." Visibly upset, Renata rolled her eyes and snatched the menu from Violet's hands. "Just call for the DJ, have him play whatever."

Tony obeyed and rang the silver bell thrice. In a matter of seconds, the space in front of them was occupied by a tall and muscular man with long, blonde hair tied in a man bun.

"Play some Avicii," Tony commanded and the DJ obeyed, producing the opening notes of Wake me Up.

"Emilia loves this song," Scotty said, gloomily, his eyes wandering around the grounds, his mind clearly elsewhere.

Laetitia put an arm around him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Oh, you poor thing. I can't believe she dumped you. And so close to Fall Colours."

"Do you know who she's going with?" Scotty asked, teeth so clenched that Tripp was certain they'd burst out of his mouth at any moment. "I'll kick his ass, however he is."

Renata's blue eyes glimmered with chaos and her full, red lips beamed in triumph. "As a matter of fact, I do know who she's taking. You'll just love it. It's a rather strange match, wouldn't you say so, Tripp?"

Her frosty, bright eyes went to him and Tripp ignored the sudden chill that went down his core, lifting the hairs on his arms in a rather notorious way. Smiling, he frowned and tilted his head, trying to make sense of the girl's words.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, his eyes staying on her.

Her smirk became a full Joker grin. "You mean you don't know? I would've guessed your good friend Teddy would've told you by now. He's Emilia date for Fall Colours."

Tripp felt as if Renata just bitch-slapped him. Frowning so hard that his face actually tightened, he waited for a few seconds before speaking again. Scott, however, was faster.

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