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Ah! Hello fair traveler! Welcome! Do you wish to stay a while? Or just a night?

Hm well at least a night shall be necessary. It's not safe to travel alone at night, even for the strongest. Perhaps should you wish to stay longer you may speak will Mil and Mol.

No no I insist! In fact, you can stay in my very own guest room! Yes I know fancy. Well come on we're burning the light we still have.

Welcome to my humble abode. Huh? What do you mean it's to small for- fine maybe I lied about the guest room but otherwise you would have declined! I mean the inn is ages away and today's a busy day and the next settlement is- oh well okay then.

Now this is my room technically yours for the night and I suppose I'll let you get comfortable. Hm? Oh yeah! This place is really really great! I mean it's not on any maps but people come around all the time it's like a big trading place people come from all over! You've gotta be careful though...

Well yeah scammers and The Weird One Of The Woods. Oh yeah! I kinda forgot you didn't know about them... I'm actually probably not supposed to be talking about them to you in particular especially if you want to live here...

Well promise me you won't mind? Like at all? If you don't want to live here I guess I understand but try not to gossip okay? It's an in-town thing. You really shouldn't know.

Okay that's fine then. Sometimes, whether annually or daily, someone from the village know taken.

Oh no no no!! Of course not! They should show up the next morning unharmed, you wouldn't know they were gone if they didn't tell you after and it's never bad!

Huh? Well of course these things can be not bad? I mean the people normally come back a better person for our and their own good, y'know? Like, I friend of mine has a kid and they used to be a big bully but one day they woke up and they were super respectful. Mhm apologised to me and everything. Now there a pretty well rounded kid that while there sill a bit of a joker with some cheek they're cool about it. Don't give the teachers hell.

Mind you the main school shut down a while back. Everyone's stopped learning academics as much as things that'll help em here. Like cooking, fixing, building and farming. Yeah this place is cool I'm pretty lucky to be here y'know? I'd say I owe it all to Mil and Mol but technically I kinda owe it to you travellers. Yep you as much as the next. I'd probably be kicked out so one of you could be here since I'm kinda just a burden that these guys gave a house. Yep I'm the luckiest virus you've ever seen.

Actually, speaking of villagers, one of them why could really kick me out in a heartbeat is that girl. At least I think she's a girl? But anywho she's one of those merchants who come here all the time. Each time with something new and cool. Honestly she's our main provider and the people her love 'er 'alf to death. Dime a dozen that one. Dang genius could replace me any day and y'know I'd still probably thank her. But hey lucky for this virus she's was to kind for that sweet as a button. Maybe that's where she got 'er name.

Oh my bad traveller! I do ramble. My sincerest apologies, tell you what I'll make breakfast tomorrow to make up for it tomorrow, huh? Okay now we're even. Oh no I'm not kind I mean I didn't say anything about making for you.

Gosh the look on your face! I'm just joking with you don't worry. Lighten up a bit!

Well goodnight traveller don't go running away on me! Or else you might get taken to... Hah!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2020 ⏰

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