5,355 miles

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"What?!" Hana answered, annoyed as hell.

"Hello to you too." Nico sighs amused.

"Its 5:30 am on a Saturday," Hana sat up on her futon bed on the floor, "what's up?"

"I just really need someone to talk to." Nico sounded sad.

"Is it mom?!" Hana asked with an urgency in her voice, "Dad? Nico, are you okay?!"

Nico couldn't help but chuckle, "Everyone's fine, we're all still alive. But I kissed Alex..."

"What?!" Hana shocked, "Okay, details..." As Nico told her sister everything, Hana attentively listened,"Okay, so let me just wrap my head around this... you found Amy's diary in mom's desk and made it snow in LA? And to not get caught, you decided to makeout with Alex while you were shirtless and on top of him? Did I get that right?"

"Pretty much." Nico shrugs laying on her bed, "I just wanted to know what to do next. I mean should I explain that the kiss meant nothing or should I let it go?"

"I don't know," Hana admitted, "I've never been in that position..."

"Of course not," Nico scoffs, "Ms. Perfect Japanese Girl."

"I am far from perfect," Hana shook her head as she got up, "but I'll tell you what I'll do, fly 5,355 miles..." taking out her laptop and buying a flight ticket.

"You don't have to..."

"See you in ten hours." Hana ends the call, "I'm coming home."

Then five hours later, the plane crashed in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, because why not. Her and several of the passengers we're stuck in a deserted island for a week.

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