I got tagged again!

22 2 11


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

1. I'm a Ravenclaw and a Virgo.

2. Nope!

3. Nahh no one would even think about-

4. No. I used to be in the choir (and had a pretty good voice!) but I dropped out a couple of years ago and my voice has changed a little so I can't really hit the high notes and my voice isn't really good anymore. Oh well.

5. I don't have one... Someone want to give me one? I mean, Lyli isn't my real name but I need a nickname. XD

6. Uhm, if they're like creepy or asks wayyy too many personal questions. Though I haven't met ppl in the second that much.

7. Let's see if this works now..

Nope. *sigh* 

8. Nothing...

9. Fluently? Two. English and Korean.

10. Uhh... Idk...sorry, nope!

11. I don't even have 15 friends...


Yeah, okay. I'm sorry :'(
Aaand now I should go stop procrastinating because it's like 12:00 and I want to sleep at at least 1:00 because I've been sleeping at 2 these days.

Me and My RandomnessKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat