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Does anyone want to talk?

I'm lonely and procrastinating and idk just how many time i've blinked back tears today, not that anyone knows lol

and I know that no one reads this so I figured I might just rant here?

Hi, here's an intro to me.

Hello, I'm called Lyli on Wattpad.
I'm on the young side.
I like to write and read, ranging from dystopian fiction to fantasy to poetry.

I'm Korean and a Virgo and a Ravenclaw and love reading headcanons and fanfics too.

I'm a person who would like to be of worth and fails lol.

I'm tired physically, emotionally, and mentally. Who knew sad songs amd sad books and staying up studying could do that. Lol.

So anyways... Back to the point. Who wants to talk? I know no one's going to read this, and no one's going to actually comment.

But if anyone wants, you can ask me questions. I like answering questions.

If anyone would like any company...

I'm always here :)

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