Another, very long tag

27 5 32

Thanks, Liv.

The pic.. is not loading.

Oh, well.

1. Full name.

You think I'm telling you that?

2. Zodiac sign,


3. 3 fears.

Life. Death. Bugs.

4. 3 things I love.

Family. Books. Unicorns.

5. 4 turn ons.


6. 4 turn offs.


7. Best friend.

My online besties! Tags are not working tho.

8. Sexual orientation.

Uhm, I honestly have no idea. I'm pretty sure I'm straight but I mean... I wouldn't mind girls, too. Of course, when I'm older- I'm too young to date >:) so basically, I don't know.

9. Best first date.

Never had one 😎

10. Height.

159~160cm. I wanna be taller >:(

11. What do I miss? innocence?

12. What time was I born?


13. Fave color.

Navy blue, periwinkle, and lots of other blues, silver/gray, black.

14. Crush?

Hm. Minho from The Maze Runner.

15. Fave quote?

Uhh, "With great power...comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later." -Nico di Angelo.

16. Fave place?

The library in my mind.

17. Fave food.


18. Do I use sarcasm?

What's sarcasm? I don't know sarcasm. I don't use it at all. Yep, totally.

19. What am I listening to rn?

Uh. Air.

20. First thing I notice in new person.


21. Shoe size?

No idea.

22. Eye color?

Dark brown.

23. Hair color?

Dark brown/black.

24. Fave style clothing.

Hoodies. Leggings, preferably black.

25. Ever done a prank call?


26. What color underwear am I wearing? I have to answer this? Gray.

27. Meaning behind my username?


28. Fave movie? dare you try to make me choose.

29. Fave song?

So. So. Many.

30. Fave band.

Do BTS and Blackpink count?

31. How I feel rn?


32. Someone I love.

My online besties.

33. Current relationship status.

Single as a Pringle.

34. Relationship with parents?

Good, I suppose.

35. Fave holiday.


36. Tattoos/piercing I have?


37. Tattoos/piercing I want?


38. Reason I joined.

Wanted a place to read and write.

39. Last book I read.

A book about Norse mythology.

40. Do I ever get good morning or good night texts?

Uh, from my online besties, sometimes.

41. Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?

Never kissed anyone.

42. When did I last hold hands?

43. How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?

Like... 30 minutes? If I include the 15 minutes of waking up. If not, like 15?

44. Have I shaved?

...too young 

45. Where am I rn?

On the blue planet called Earth- a speck of dust in the massive wonder of space is where I stand, for I am but a particle of imminent life in the tranquility of the universe.

Oh, you wanted something more specific? Home. 

46. If I couldn't stand, who would take care of me? mom?

47. Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?

That depends on your standards of 'reasonable'. Of course I don't blast it into my ears, that would cause damage to my eardrums. If reasonable is enough not to harm my ears and brain, then sure, reasonable.

There, that's it.

Wattpad isn't letting me tag anyone, so anyone and everyone who comments has to do it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lyli out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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