I got tagged....

24 3 4

Tagged for the first time idk XD

1.  Hmm, not just yet!

2. Eh, reading books, reading fan fiction, writing stories and poetry... yeah.

3. My favorite song?!! TORTURE!!! HOW CAN I CHOOSE??!!! Um, let me see... Something Just Like This... Some Alan Walker.... Comethru is good..... Scream by Dreamcatcher (kpop), ON by BTS? Some Blackpink.... I like way too much songs.

4. The picture won't load :( but it's Ravenclaw, if anyone wants to know :)

5.  As in future? Well, I want to write a book and get it published, but not really.

6. I slept at 2:00 am and got up at 7:30. Dam you, first day of offline school :)

7. ...Not that much, why? I don't think I have any friends that'll really last irl, unless you count my sis.

8. Nope. (edit: sorta do now!!)

9. Uhm, English, maybe? Because it's the easiest for me. (Some Korean schools make it reeeallly easy but our school is a private school so it's okay.)

10. Korea.

11. I could like it, but I totally and utterly suck at any type of athletics.

12. ..Depends on the standard.

13. Uhh? Idk?

14. Not really... I like the songs, mostly, but Blackpink I started liking because of my sis and BTS is fine, too... idk, really.

15. Yeah.

16. Yes, but I'm not that good.

17. Lessons as in after school? School ends at 3:10 or something and I have a Math academy (which i hate) from 5:00 to 9:20. Homework after that :(

18. Nope

19. No, ofc not. Why would anyone even date me? Besides, I'm too young. I'm a shining solo!

20. I wouldn't, really.

There! I need to go  do the next one! And I'm still procrastinating. It's nearly 12:00 and I haven't even finished half of the essay due tomorrow. Tho it's pretty easy, I can finish in an our or so.

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