69: Effigy

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Patrolling Acolytes pass through the empty halls of the Scarlet Keep. They walk by a small corridor. A pair of green dots shining in the dark follow them before they disappear down another corridor. Those green dots disappear as Y/N steps out from a dark hall.

"Which way?" He asks, quietly.

"Right." Vale answers.

He nods and heads down the right hall. Memories of trying to escape from the Hive run in and out of his head. They were persistent then, and probably still are now. Even more of a reason not to be caught by them this time. Y/N continues forward, ducking into a shadowy passage, as a Revenant passes by.

Y/N slips out and makes his way toward the marker on his hud. Moving as quickly and quietly as possible. Hoping to make this a quick OP.

"You're getting closer," Vale tells him.

"Got it," he says, making short tele-hops to the Grimm pools.

Dodging a few bugs on the short journey. No matter how much he wanted to kill them. He couldn't. This is supposed to be a stealth OP. Can't make getting this far a loss.

"On your right," Vale points out.

Y/N enters through the doorway to find cages full of Mutated Grimm along with the spawning pool that created them. Some of them you could know what the base of it was. Beowolves, Ursa, Nevermores, and Deathstalkers. However, one of them was too clear.

"Those were..." Vale trailed off.

"People." Y/N answers.

They were grossly disfigured from whatever, previous, features they once had. What made it even worse was that a few of them were kids. Probably ranging from, maybe, 5 to 8 years old. They were like the adult monstrosities, but much worse. They were horrifically contorted and twitched incessantly.

He wanted to kill them. Put 'em out of their misery, but he couldn't do it. They were children! How could anyone bring themself to kill a child? Even if they weren't human anymore. However, they can't be left to live in such torment.

"Y/N, we need to get out here." Vale urged. "We got what we needed, so we shouldn't stick around for much longer."

The pool ripples and laps against the edge of the surrounding platform. Something began to arise from the viscous fluid. A tall Revenant seemed to float up and out of the pool. Its head resembled a crown, and its body was a translucent white with black and red accents.

Y/N ducks behind a nearby cage, as it scans the room. Finding nothing but the numerous caged creations. Y/N readied his hand-cannon in case he had to fight.

"What's the safest way out of here?" He whispered.

"The way you came in," Vale responded.

He sighed just as a giant hand grabbed his face. The Revenant turns and throws him into the center of the room. He skids across the floor, but he manages to stop himself with one of his knives. Y/N hops to his feet and dodges the Revenant's fist.

Y/N jumps back and fires three rounds into its head. The Revenant seemed annoyed than pained. He dodges another swing from the creature. A plan formed in his mind on an escape route. Y/N starts dodging the Revenant's attacks Unfortunately, he doesn't get too far before an arm snags his cloak, pulling him back and grabbing his head.

The Revenant turns and walks toward the dark pool. Holding Y/N above the void. Fear etched into his mind as he stared at the darkness below. He started to panic and struggle within the Revenant's grasp. Suddenly, fire flares out from his body. Not only that but his body seems to blink in and out of existence.

Y/N's teleportation abruptly fires off. He and the Revenant were sent to any place or any planet. In the hopes that it would be somewhere, that wasn't the Moon.


It and Y/N appear in the EDZ's Reservoir. The Revenant drops him and stumbles back. It felt discombobulated from the sudden jump. Once it recovered from the dizziness, a slug round to the eye gave it more than just a headache. It clutches its head and reels its leg. It brought the limb forward to deliver a powerful kick.

Instead of striking the Light-bearer, its knee had met the sharpened point of a serrated knife. The Revenant roared in pain before knocking Y/N away. The hit made him sail through the air. Impaling him upon a few jagged pieces of rebar that stuck out of a broken pillar. Y/N swore under his breath while he tried to separate himself from the rusted metal bars.

"It's useless," the Revenant spat out. "You cannot hope to beat Mordak the Revenant, let alone us! Accept your failure and die."

Y/N didn't respond to it. He was caught in his mind, trying to think of a way to free himself. Mordak ripped the knife out of his knee and stomped toward Y/N. The large monstrosity grabbed him by the chest plate and wrenched his body off the rebar. The pained scream brought Mordak joy. He lifts Y/N above his head, then slamming him against the grating.

This action was done repeatedly. Mordak wanted to make sure that Y/N was dead. The Revenant stood straight and stared down at the body. Y/N's broken body was numb. His vision fading into darkness. He could see two Ghouls approach the Revenant from behind. His vision finally ebbed away as they spoke.

Y/N soon finds himself in that odd space after death. He stood before a dreary home with the door broken down, and the windows were shattered. He felt a heavy sense of deja vu, but he'd never seen this house. Y/N walked inside carrying that feeling on his back.

Everything in the house was a wreck. Walls were littered with bullet holes, blood painted the floor with a dark crimson, and 5 bodies laid on the ground. 3 of them were the ones he knew. They were Neo, Amanda, and Hazel. The other two were kids. A boy and a girl. Their bodies had chunks of flesh torn to shreds and missing limbs hacked from their bodies. The group looked as if something attacked and started eating them.

Y/N felt sick to his stomach.

"Food for the Hive," a voice uttered from behind him.

He turns on a dime and sees the Witch. She stood there with a smile plastered on her face. That sick feeling in his stomach suddenly turned to rage. Fire abruptly flared out from his hands and body. Y/N's eyes shot open and he stood tall.

Mordak and the Ghouls stared in awe. He was a Lightbearer, yet Soulfire clung to him as it would the Hive. Y/N lifted his arm and the hungering sword was aimed at them, they would satiate his blade.

Mordak let out a guttural roar and the echoes of the chittering maws emanated from the halls. Y/N smirked and let the blade rest against the ground. Mordak, along with numerous other Thrall and Ghouls, charged forth into their death. Y/N brought the sword upward and it exploded in Soulfire.

In one swift and strong motion, he slammed the sword onto the ground. Green flames surged outward and vaporized all around him. When the soulfire rested, a singed and wounded Mordak laid before him. His aching body was slumped against the far wall. The Hive half-blood laid in defeat. Y/N slowly approached the Revenant. Mordak began chuckling as Y/N kneeled in front of him.

"What's funny?" He asked.

"Your light. It is tainted..." Mordak chuckled.

"I know," he replied. "Power comes at a cost. It's a cost I'm willing to pay."

Y/N smiled sadistically before he raised the sword above his head. Then, bringing it down and planting it in Mordak's head. Y/N rips the blade out of its head. He looked down at the sword and saw his reflection. He sighed and put the sword in a scabbard on his back.

"Calling all available Guardians!" Devrim shouted over comms. "The Hive and the Grimm are attacking the EDZ!"

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