72: Way Down We Go

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The Guardians moved in on the forward wall of the Scarlet Keep, making sure to keep out of sight.

"Alright, everyone, you know the plan," Y/N stated. "Kill everything and lock down this area for everyone else." His firm voice was filled with determination.

Various Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks nod and ready their weapons. Y/N, on the other hand, gives his Duality one last look before leading the guardians unto the Wall of Crimson.

Nightstalkers drop smoke bombs at their feet, cloaking everyone in its area of effect. They all make a break for it, running through hordes of thrall, hoping to get as close as possible before they are visible again.

"Dawnblade!" Y/N quietly signaled.

Two Warlocks leaped into the air and cast their Dawnblades. The radiance created by the Warlocks takes the Hive by complete surprise. Their swords sang as they rained solar light down upon them. The others started clearing out the fleeing Acolytes with efficiency.

"Alright, that should be all of them." Y/N brings his hand up to a device in his ear. "Send in the cavalry."

From the hill far behind Y/N, came Guardians upon sparrows with their arms at the ready. Y/N watched and smiled.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself," said a Dawnblade Warlock.

"I guess you could say that," Y/N replied, still grinning. "But, enough chit-chat."

The Warlock watched with reverence.

The paracausal army marched up the rocky stairs and toward the Crimson Wall. A Titan steps forward to Y/N.

"We'll keep the Grimm at bay out here," he said without hesitation.

"Are you sure you can handle them all?" Y/N said, faintly doubtful.

"We're part of the Firebreak Order," he told him. "We'll hold them back till the last Titan. Ain't that right, boys?"

A dozen titans all cheered in agreement. Ready to give their lives for the City.

"Then I wish you luck." Y/N gives a nod of respect. "If anyone else wants to stay and hold back the Grimm, then do so. Everyone else, get those asses moving!"

Most of the Guardians did as directed, with Y/N at the helm. From there, they tore a bloody path through any Hive, Grimm, or Abomination that got in their way. None of them could withstand the Guardians' light, and they broke upon it as they tried to fight back.

Eventually, the Guardians had made it to the bridge leading to the Scarlet Keep. But, they met with an army led by the Fallen Maiden, Cinder Fall. Y/N's glare of scorn meeting her own.

"What took so long?!" She shouted from atop a stone. "Finally worked up the courage to face your executioner?!"

Y/N chuckled to himself. "Y'know, Cinder, you're talking big shit for someone about to get their ass beat!" He pulls the reforged Hive sword from his back and aims it at her. The archaic language on the blade glows intensely. "But, enough talk. Let's get straight to the point!"

Soulfire suddenly engulfed her body.

"I agree."

Y/N sprints toward the dark army with Guardians following him unto death. Cinder smirked and pointed a blade of her own at them. The Abominations roared and howled before charging at the undead heroes. Y/N raises his sword and cleaves down the Beowolves and Ursas with ease. A glare focused on Cinder, who just stood there watching, all with a smile on her face. He grits his teeth and pushes forward. Suddenly, he leaps into the air with the sword above his head.

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