Part One, Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

"I don't think that's a good idea."

This time, she could see the face of the man who spoke. Raven knew him. Every little information from a detailed background search.

Jean Luc.

"Who are you?" Raven murmured. Her plan was in motion, and she was grateful that her mind cleared before she let something serious slip from her lips.

"I'm Jean Luc," he introduced. "Are you alright? You were injured in my house with another man."

Raven wanted to say that it was her house before realising it was not. A year is a long time to get used to something.

"I'm fine," she managed to reply with a smile. Fine was an understatement. She was thrilled, and excited. She might have gotten painfully stabbed, but the thought of this plan made her blood pound in a pleasant way. At that moment, she realised how strangely amusing it was.

"I'm Lucinda," Raven said. It was a pretty name, and she did not mind using it more.

Before Jean Luc could reply, the room was flooded with people. They were a significant part of her plan. She recalled every little detail of what she shared with her team of friends.

Upon seeing them, she immediately slipped on a mask. The mask of Lucinda--a girl who assisted a friend with some issues regarding money and unfortunately landed herself in a lion's den.

"Did you see who it was?" one of them asked. He had softened his voice upon seeing tears stream her face. Very, very fake tears, but no one noticed

"Yes," Raven said, gasping as if recalling. All that was in her head was the plan. "It was a man and I saw the tattoo on his back. Long hair and--"

Everyone was waiting, eager. A gender was a large clue, and one that could divert any possible attention away from her, the true target.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about your situation and the demon?"

Raven had to conceal the grin that swept across her face. She quite enjoyed the title she inherited.

"Yes," she murmured with false fear. Her words were followed by a tremble as she continued with her lie.

"Thank you for the information. We will seek justice for you, your friend and the many lives taken."

Raven wished that she would get a day to explain. To tell people that those lives taken were never innocent. They either owed money of a sum beyond comprehension or were horrible people. She enjoyed seeking justice, yet in the eyes of others, it was simply murder.

"Wait," she said. "How's my friend?"

"He is alive but gravely injured, and currently still unconscious."

Raven nodded solemnly. Her thoughts, however, were having a party. He deserved it. I'll give him a proper whining soon for gutting me like that.

As everyone but Jean Luc left the room, Raven heaved a sigh of relief.

"That was terribly scary," she said in a voice softer than her original. She needed him, or more specifically, his finger and knowledge. It was a key to a door of money.

She was impatient for her money, and Jean Luc was extremely trusted by the man who owed her. He had information, and his fingerprint was a key to open the door to her beloved future millions.

The crew suggested to torture him for information, and slice his finger. It was easier and quicker than gaining trust and playing with feelings, but she had already stolen his home. Perhaps he deserved some better treatment.

"Tell me about it," Jean Luc scoffed. "Coming home to a murder scene isn't fun."

Raven cracked a small smile. "Being the victim of murder isn't much to celebrate, either."

A low chuckle escaped Jean Luc's lips, and the sound was rather enchanting to Raven's ears.

"Where are you going to live now?" She was quite eager to know.

"I have no idea. I had assumed my life was steady until this moment."

A smile curved Raven's lips as she suggested, "I can give you a place to stay for a while. Rent you a room, perhaps?"

"Oh, you don't have to do that. Instead, I should be the person to provide you something. You're badly injured, and I'm pretty sure you're just as traumatised as I am."

Raven pouted, and the action felt unfamiliar. Apparently, it was supposed to look cute. "So you're pitying me?"

"No, I'm not." He gazed at her in a pleasantly playful manner. She had only seen the look on Blake's face before.

"Then, why don't you accept my offer?" Raven shrugged. "It's pretty kind, honestly. We've seen things that are terrifying, and I don't think living alone will be good to either of us."

"You're acting oddly calm for someone who almost got killed."

"If I truly showed my fear, I'd be trembling. Forgive me if I'm trying my best to hide my emotions."

Jean Luc smiled as he said, "Fine. I'll pay you."

Raven had to refrain from raising an eyebrow. It was too simple. Jean Luc might not be a stranger to her, since she knew everything about him. However, she was one to him. It was unlikely that someone would agree to stay at a stranger's home so simply. It showed how safe and unalarming she is. Raven did not know to be offended or pleased.

"Are you okay?" Raven was shocked that she allowed the words to be sounded. "Seeing what you saw will haunt you for the rest of your life."

"No. Truthfully, I am shaken.The better question is, are you?"

"I've seen many horrible things growing up. In Domsville, it's not very uncommon. It's my first time seeing dead bodies, though. And so much of it."

"How's your wound?"


Jean Luc smirked. "I've never known someone you."

"Well now you have," Raven murmured, darting her eyes around the room she was in. She hated it. "When can I get out of here?"

"You seem like the stab wound was barely anything. I think you'll be out soon enough."

"I hope so." Raven was much more used to talking in a sharper tone. One that showed power and leadership instantly. However, she could get used to this softer tone when talking to Jean Luc.

"Would you like food, Lucinda?"

The name he used to regard her rolled off his tongue like honey. It was attractive, and for a moment she wanted it to be her true title.

A grin rose to grace her lips. "I'd love food."

Although she knew his age, his name, his previous schools, jobs and everything about his history, the background checks did not state his kindness. It was refreshing to know someone so nice.

"I'll be back."

Raven Where stories live. Discover now