Part One, Chapter Two

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Jean Luc felt like it has been forever since he had laid his eyes on his stunning house.

Something was odd about it, though. He had felt like his home should be quite filthy since it had been a year, but the outside was so clean.

He murmured a thankful message to whoever had cleaned it before opening the door. He locked it instead. A hint of fear pounced at him as he discovered that the entrance to his house was left unlocked.

It was mild compared to a mere second later.

As he pushed open the door, crimson red words greeted him back. It was written in a pretty, but horrific handwriting. The handwriting of a murderer.

Jean Luc almost felt his heart pounce out of his chest as he read the message. He let his eye linger on the face below it before looking at what was once his house.

Scrambling, he reached for his phone and almost dropped it. The smell, his surroundings and the message caused a type of panic that he had never experienced. There were bodies. Bodies above bodies with wounds that sent a sickening pound everywhere inside and on his body.

He was scrambling for words to tell the police as he dashed away. A nauseating feeling swelling in his gut and the constant flash of the scene he just witnessed was shown again and again in his head. A traumatic scene that would undoubtedly be engraved in his memory.

Fear was still pricking his bones and causing his legs to give out when assistance came. Dozens of them arrived after the simple mention of the most wanted criminal.

Jean Luc had heard the rumours and telling that started a few weeks before he left. Even in another state, he received news about the murderer that cannot be found.

A lunatic and psychopath, Jean Luc had thought. Whoever it is had used his home as theirs, and the fact made him want to hurl his guts out even more.

He was attempting to calm himself against a tree when two people were brought out of the house. The sight of them definitely did not help.

A man and a woman were led out of his house. They were on beds, and alive. Barely.

The woman was beautiful. It was the first thing Jean Luc noticed before his eyes trailed to the red knife wound somewhere below the stomach. The man was almost twice as injured, and Jean Luc couldn't help the rise of bile in his throat.

Before he could help it, he threw up.


A bad idea, Raven thought. Though, she knew better. This was a great idea, but pain was simply in the way.

She had passed out, despite her best efforts. She had withstood pain much worse, but her best friend Blake had stabbed her a little too forcefully for her liking. That stupid little--

"Hey," a male voice rang out.

For a moment, she was disorientated and puzzled. Celie had stabbed Blake too, and hopefully multiple times. He should not have the physical capability to be beside her bed.

However, it sounded different. More calming and peaceful.

"What?" Raven's voice was hoarse, and perhaps too authoritative.

"Are you alright?"

"Ass. You stabbed me. What do you think?" The words came out a slur and inaudible.

There was silence after that. Raven was able to claim her thoughts and clearer mind in those few seconds. They were enough for her to know it was not Blake speaking. Her eyes snapped open, and the pain instantly registered in her mind. She allowed a quiet groan before trying to sit up

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