Evander's Haven

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"Ah, I love how peaceful and safe this place is!" I can't help but admire this beautiful view every time I wake up in the morning.

But this feeling slowly slips away whenever I remember how I got here.

It started when I was a cria (little llama). My herd was searching for a warmer place to stay because winter was coming. We walked for several miles. Several weeks passed and my dad said we're almost there. Suddenly, a man with a gun showed up and shot us. I felt a sharp stinging pain on my neck, then I passed out.

I don't know how long I was unconscious but when I woke up I found myself and my brother in a cage in the middle of a very dark room. The only thing that lights the room is the faint streaks of moonlight seeping through the cracks on the wall.

Suddenly, the door opened and the guy who took us came in with a lamp on his hand. I looked around the room and I couldn't believe the horror I saw. The room was filled with different animals. I thought they were alive but I soon realized they were dead because they were not moving. Then I saw my dad on the table with his abdomen slightly open and a lump of wool-like stuff sticking out from inside of his body. I was very heartbroken and terrified.

I guess my brother knew it too because I saw him trembling with fear in his eyes.

The man opened our cage and tried to capture my brother. He charged at the man but before he could do anything, the man shot him on his chest. His body fell on the floor lifeless and his blood gushed out of his wound. The man stood up and dragged him outside the room.

I kept crying and screaming until I was too tired and weak. I fell down, sobbing. I looked up and found that the man forgot to lock the door of my cage. I pushed the door quietly and hurriedly squeezed myself through the biggest gap in the wall. Once I was out, I ran as fast as I could. My legs were painful and my feet were bleeding but I  must not stop.

I ran aimlessly for three days. until I ended up on this cliff. I looked around and saw a cave nearby. I felt safe and relieved. It's a perfect home, except my family is not here. 

Tears started to fall down my cheeks. This happens all the time whenever I remember this memory.

"Daddy! I knew you were here!" Diana called out with the sweetest smile on her face as she dashed towards me.

"Hey, you're up early," I said smiling back at her.

"Mom said breakfast is ready. We're waiting for you." Diana replied.

"Okay then, let's go home," I said as we raced to our cave.

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