King's Tale

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I still remember the day I met my sister.

It all began when I was just a few days old. My previous family put me in a cage and we hopped in a car. We drove to a nearby park. The park was huge and had many trees. There were a few people playing and walking around. I was fascinated by this strange place and while I was admiring the beautiful surroundings, my family left me. 

I looked everywhere but I couldn't find them. I looked at every nearby shop but they weren't there. My ears fell almost completely flat as my tail hid between my legs. It started raining so I rushed for shelter in a nearby bush. The rain poured harder and I got a little wet. I was very scared and hungry and cold. I didn't like it very much but I had no choice so I decided I'd take a little nap to pass the time.

Three days have passed. I was hungry and alone. I only took leftover food from the bins. I tried to go to a restaurant but they chased me away. I hid back in the bush as I ate the small chunk of chicken a passerby dropped. Then, I heard a soft voice.

"Come here little kitty!" The little girl called. I was afraid of her and won't come out of the bush I was hiding in. She took out a piece of fish and offered it to me. I was so hungry that I didn't hesitate to grab it from her. She rubbed my head as I ate.

"That's right, Kitty. Eat as much as you want," she said tenderly.

I took a good look at her. She had brown, glossy hair. She wore a black t-shirt and brown jeans and she had a pink rectangular sling bag. I noticed the two adults beside her. The one on the right looked like her mother and the other one looked like a grandma. 

The girl was very kind to me that I started trusting her. She scooped me up and put me inside her bag. She zipped it but left an opening just enough for me to have air to breathe in. I felt her move so I peeked through the small hole. I saw her hopped onto a vehicle

After a few minutes, we stopped. She opened her bag and let me out.

"Welcome to your new home, King. Yes, I shall call you 'King' and you will be my little brother from now on." She said with a smile. "But first, you must take a bath." She added.

Her mother gave me a warm bath. I didn't like it but she told me I need to wash up so I can play with my sister. I was shivering after I finished my bath but my sister cuddled me and kept me warm. My heart was overjoyed to be with a human once again.

The days that followed were full of fun. My sister talked to me, took care of me, played with me, and took me out for afternoon walks. We even took naps together. I love being close to her where I can hear her heartbeat and smell her scent.

 I love being close to her where I can hear her heartbeat and smell her scent

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I found myself learning the human language. The first words I understood were 'King' which was my name and 'Pretzel' which was my sister's name. I soon learned more and more words. Although I can only say one word "Mama", which is what she calls our mother, I can understand pretty much a lot of their simple conversations.

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