Chapter 39:submissive

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The ice user's stomach then growled as hunger pains started to emerge. She clutched onto her abdomen and decided to find a place to eat.

Her eyes brightened when she stumbled across a ramen shop. Mai walked in, a warm comfortable breeze hitting her body.

She found a vacant seat and plopped down, placing her hands on her hood to take it down. The women who was cooking behind the bar-like table asserted her attention to Mai, giving her a welcoming smile.

"What can I get for you?" The women kindly asked.

"A regular ramen, please. No meat or egg." Mai reciprocated with a kind tone.

"Coming right up!" The women happily said, spinning around to start preparing Mai's meal.

In this moment the ice user felt eased. She intently watched the women make her ramen as she saw a person sitting next to her out of the corner of her eyes.

Mai then glanced fully to see a man that looked about her age, and a ping of familiarity hit her. The man had shoulder length brown hair, and vibrant blue eyes. She squinted her orbs at him, trying to remember if she had ever met him before.

The man then raised his eyebrows, making the skin on his forehead fold. "Uhh, everything okay?"

Mai's cheeks burnt red from embarrassment. "S.. sorry! You just look so familiar." She stuttered, mentally slapping herself for starring at a stranger for too long.

The man chuckled lightly. "Mai, it's good to see you again."

Mai narrowed her eyes, his voice deep but she knew that she's heard it before. That's when it all came back to her.

She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. He snickered, wrapping his arms around her slim waist.

When Mai released, she gave him a warm smile. "It's good to see you too, Kai!"

"Your hair is still beautiful as ever." Kai complimented, making Mai's cheeks turn crimson red.

"Your hair has gotten long." The ice user observed, bringing up her left hand to gently twiddle her fingers through Kai's brunette locks.

Once she realized how weird that may seem, Mai speedily retreated her hand. "Sorry!"

Kai shook his head with a smile dancing on his lips. "Stop apologizing!" He shifted his body in the seat so that he was fully facing her. "How have you been? And your team, where are they?"

Mai bit her lip, eyes becoming dull. "They aren't here. I'm not on a team anymore. I'm still a ninja, though!"

"I get that. Teams can be obnoxious. So, what brings you here?" Kai queried as the women approached him.

Mai waited for Kai to order to reply. "I had a day off. I just wanted to visit a different town."

"That's nice. I'm here to visit too, my father is somewhere around taking care of business for our village." Kai explained, Mai taking in every word and listening. She forgot how much she missed the brunette, and the way they can both easily converse.

The women then carefully placed down Mai's steamy ramen in front of her. The delicious aroma filled her nose, causing her mouth to salivate.

She wasted no time in picking up the chopsticks and shoving the ramen in her mouth. Kai chuckled at the sight.

Mai playfully gave him a dirty look. "Hey, I was starving!"

He held both hands up in defense. "I'm not judging, don't worry."

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