How they met part 2

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hello, sorry for not posting in a while. i did tell you that you weren't going to get a consistent update schedule sooooooooo........                     anyway nvm that because never fear.. part 2 is here             (Haruhis pov still)


he was gone

what i wasn't aware of that the whole host club (excluding my captured boyfriend) had come and sat around me like a kindergarten reading session to listen.                     oblivious to the i continued my story.

i was devastated ,  my best friend, only friend. left me. alone.         weirdly though i wasn't angry like i was yesterday. i was just plain sad. And my reaction to it and how he must have felt hit my like a tidal wave. I began crying uncontrollably at the front door of the empty house, why would he ever want to come back now, he probably hates me, i'm never gonna see him again because hell never want to see my face again, i betrayed him as a friend.       

I'm so cruel.

the next four years went on so seemingly slowly and so much happened,                 since M/n left the class bullies didn't have a target anymore. so they went for the next best thing,                        torturing me.

the bullying never was as bad as they did with M/n, i assumed because i was a girl but who knows the real reason.              when i would tell the teaches about it they always gave me a smirk and said it was "because they liked me".             and i have only one word for that.


Whenever we tried to call miss L/n so that i may be able to apologise (even though i knew that that would never be enough)   it always went straight to voicemail.     she was either avoiding us or she got a new phone.  My dad believed the latter but i wasn't so sure. she would have heard my shouting,  who would want someone like me talking their son.   i'm a bad influence and a terrible friend. 

every single day i wondered how M/n was doing in France. Every night i would go and sit in front of my front door and watch the stars in hope that he may be looking at them too. That helped me feel at least a tiny bit closer to him when we were so far away.

The amount of  regret that filled me since then was almost too much to handle, added with the constant fear of being tripped over or your hair being cut behind your back or shouted at in the halls for being weak or being 'nudged' in the halls or in class a little too hard that it makes you fall over. It was all slowly becoming a bit too much.

i began developing nervous habits like bouncing my leg or biting my nails, actually scratch that , biting almost anything that i could get my hands on; hoodie strings, clothing sleeves, the skin around my nails,straws,  heck even when my dad bought me a literal chew toy i destroyed it in a few days. There was not a single clothing piece in my draw that didn't have any chew marks on it.

That all changed when one night i was  sat under mine and M/n's favourite trees to climb when we were younger, of course i never climbed it now but it was still a great place to sit. i remember that if you went to the top we would say we could see all of japan.                      i giggled slightly at the memory. then i heard a deep voice chuckle to the left of me 

"ya know people might think your crazy if they saw you giggling to yourself sitting under a tree."

my head snapped in that direction almost  enough to give me whiplash, only to see a h/t figure standing there with a shadow over his face.

Haruhis' Boyfriend?? Haruhi X Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now