finally, an update

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okay so uhhh, hi. look i don't know what happened either to be honest but i am officially back from my unannounced leave, um, i'm sorry i guess?. hewwo i'm back. the reason i haven't updated in ages is mainly mental health, I've been feeling pretty shitty recently and i just got started on therapy and everything, its been a lot and i haven't really had time or motivation to continue this but i'm back, still have no ideas though so as usual i'm gonna bullshit a crappy chapter and hope that yall actually like it XD. a lot of people have read this now, 5000+ to be exact and I've been getting so many nice comments asking me to continue and people engaging with this shit and i'm honestly so grateful, thank you so so so much, this has been my first ever story and i'm so happy that you guys actually like it, it really means the world to me, thank you. Any way i wont hold you any longer, back to your long awaited regular viewing.


M/ns pov.

so its been about a week now since i joined the host club and to be honest i don't really mind it that much, basically once i finish school i just go make haruhi blush and tease her until we go home and i continue to do the exact same thing until we go to bed. Today however was a very special day. It was my birthday. Yes yes i know i know, birthdays aren't they great, a whole day dedicated to me where i get presents and attention and love and all i could ever want. right? wrong. my birthday is a day where i get a couple presents from friends and a letter from my mother saying "happy birthday son, I've attached some money for you, goodbye" soooooo not that great. 

This year is different though, because this year i'm with Haruhi and her dad for my birthday so who knows whats gonna happen. i'm expecting flowers and kisses as soon as i open my eyes haha this is gonna be great. 



i open my eyes... and there's NOTHING!? no presents no balloons no cake so friends no kisses no screaming happy birthday as soon as i wake up, what the hell is this?!

just nothing, that's what this is, nothing. I turn to my side and see haruhi sleeping soundly beside me, i shake her slightly to wake her up, she turns over smiles at me and says "good morning babe" 



she gets up and i just stare at her in disbelief as she just gets dressed looks at me and says "come on lazy we have to go to school at some point today ya know".  she had tHe AuDaSiTy to call me LAZY TOO!??? wow. i'm hurt baby.

did she forget my birthday? now that i think about it she hasn't mentioned it once, and well i don't really talk about it much either but she wouldn't forget right?.... Right?. well i mean i haven't really had a birthday with her since we were kids so its not crazy to think she forgot about it...


i get up from bed, get dressed, have a silent breakfast with haru, she still hasn't mentioned that fact its my birthday not even once, at all. It just feels like a normal regular day. 

We get to school and everything is still just normal, normal normal normal. 

nothing interesting happens all day (if you don't count the general "interesting" nature of this school and its students), it just feels normal, i'm kind of hurt actually, they've all forgotten my birthday.

At lunch with the host club, nothing happened, no surprise party or anything just normal.

i would've thought that Kyoya would remember seeing as he has that damn notebook on him all the time and knows everything about everybody (that's why her hair is so big, its full of secrets) if you get that i love you)) but nope, absolutely nothing.

Actually now that i think about it, its kind of been like people were avoiding me all day. maybe they're throwing a SURPRISE PARTY FOR ME?? :DD.

Yep, that's gotta be it, its a surprise party for when i go to the host club tonight, ahaa i'm so smart, you cant fool me haru i know youuu!!! MUAHAHAHA i am a genius, they haven't forgotten, they just want to surprise me tonight >:D.


uhhhhhh wha?-

okay okay, so i go the rest of the afternoon all boasty and feeling really good about myself, but then right. get this. NOTHING.

i go into the host club expecting a party but nope NOTHING. 


because of this i'm moping about the club room doing my half asses flirting, i wont even kiss haru once. 

they've all forgotten my birthday, completely, how dare they.

Finally, when i'm getting my stuff to go home i don't say a single word to one of them, you know i really thought this year would be different, i thought someone would actually remember for once but nope, guess i was wrong. I just grab my stuff and leave, i don't wait for haru and i don't say a word. As i'm walking out of school i notice tears start to fall from my eyes, i cover my face with my sleeve and start running home, i hear haru calling after behind me but i don't listen, i just ignore her completely. I start feeling water on me dripping and dripping, it must be raining, oh well, i don't really care too much at this point. i just want to go home, to get that stupid letter from my mother and to just sleep on the couch and forget my birthday even exists.

I'm running and i'm running until my lungs nearly burst, its so cold, i can see my breath in front of me, its blurry, i'm sobbing now, crying and running, i need to get home, its cold, its wet and i just don't want to be outside anymore, i want to go ho-


everything goes black, i cant see, its really bright.

am i laying on the floor now?

i can hear a car door opening.

people are shouting but i cant hear what about. 

what happened? 

they're all crowding over me


What happened?




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