Forgotten lunch

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Hello people, for some reason you have decided to read my crappy story. I appreciate this very much.
This is my first time ever writing a story so please bare with me whilst I work it all out.
My apologies for any mistakes and if you do find any please let me know in the comments.
(Let it be know i cant spell for the life of me so ✌😗)
Anywaysssss enjoyyy!! 😁


It was a peaceful day in the host club. Everything was how it should be: nosebleeds, fainting and plenty of squealing.
(Not to mention incest.)
However as may of you already know. Things never are how they should be at the host club and something must always go wrong. If not? Is it really the host club??

For example today. Today would not end as peacefully as it began. Infact it would most likely end pretty chaotic.

It was lunch and the host club president called an emergency meeting to discuss a new dress he found that haruhi would look good in.
During tamakis lengthy explanation as to how they would get her in it the girl in question got a notification on her phone..

M/n ❤❤

Hey, u forgot ur lunch this morning so i came to drop it off but i cant find u, where r u? 💗💗🍱🍙🍘🍣🍧🍰

Haruhis thoughts : m/n with his stupidly adorable emojis

What she hadnt realized is that she had said it aloud and now the entire host club were looking at her with looks of confusion, shock, and is that..jealousy??

She ignores it and texts back

Im in music room three and thankyou for bringing me my lunch ❤

She gets an almost immediate reply

Np and thanks haru 💖💓💗💝💘💞💕

After this she giggles which causes the host clubs earlier concern form into distress mixed with a cuteness overload.

"Haruhi, mind telling us who this m/n person is?"
Kyoya asked politely yet his voiced dripping in curiosity and jealousy at the name if this mystery man.
"Oh hes just someone i know, he's dropping my lunch off in a minute actually"
Haruhi replied with complete obliviousness to the jealousy filled gazes aimed at air in the room.
"Ah, i see"

The rest of the meeting not a single word was mentioned about this m/n person but the air did feel quite a bit more tense in anticipation for the arrival of the mystery man.

When he did finnaly show, the doors opened up to a h/t man with dampened h/c, h/l hair, gorgeous e/c eyes glistening in the bright light with a meriad of rose petals falling beside him and landing by his soaked converse.

"Hey haru, you forgot your lunch"


Ok first chapter done. I will updtae when i can but with school and everything and since im lazy i probably wont have a set sceduale.

501 words

I hoped you liked it and tell me what you think. I accept all critisism but comments delibreatrly hating will be delteted because im 
✨ s e n s i t i v e✨

Haruhis' Boyfriend?? Haruhi X Male!readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon