I let out a throaty laugh because of how furious I was becoming, which confused Genma as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You need to go get lord third right now! I'm bringing Sasuke to the god damn hospital myself!" I fumed, glaring at the man who was quiet and not interjecting, and then at Genma who was too calm for this emergency situation.

I ran quickly back to Sasuke without letting either of them speak. The sight of him sitting on the ground while gripping onto his shoulder made my stomach churn and my heart drop. Whatever that Orochimaru guy did to Sasuke better not kill him.

Sasuke shot up his face because he heard my loud footsteps against the ground. He must be so confused and he is clearly in so much pain. I need to calm myself down and get myself together in front of him so he doesn't get worked up.

I crouched down in front of him and warmly smiled. "Everything's going to be okay. Genma is getting Lord Third, and I'm going to get you to the hospital."

"But.. you just brought me all the way home. I can't wait a bit longer.." His voice was staggered and raspy.

"No." I immediately shut down his suggestion. He looked at me with wide eyes that glistened from the moonlight. "You saved me. Now, I'm saving you."

I moved my body next to Sasuke and grabbed his arm to return it to rest on the back of my neck. Sasuke held my hand tightly and I smiled to myself before slowly walking into the village.

The leaf village hospital was not to far from the entrance, so we made it there quickly. Once we got inside I sat him down gently into a chair and I walked over to the desk where a woman with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes sat down writing something on a piece of paper.

Her attention didn't shift to me even though she could see me in her preferable vision. Becoming slightly agitated, I slapped the desk with my palm. That's when she glanced up at me.

"I'm Mai Masaki and I brought a patient that needs medical assistance right now!" I panically shouted at the women who didn't seem to care. God, people like this make me want to punch a damn wall.

"Patient's name?" She questioned with a monotone voice. I'm really getting tested today, aren't I? I didn't have time to calm myself down as sheer rage possessed me.

"Sasuke Uchiha! Now he's hurt and needs a doctor right now!" I venomously reprimanded.

The woman stayed unbothered as she raised an eyebrow at my lashing out. She pushed out her black chair which had wheels on them, and stood up to walk into a room which was connected to the front desk office.

My mouth became dry. I tapped my foot onto the ground and my finger on the desk anxiously as I impatiently waited for a doctor to come out.

The sound of a loud throaty screech emerging from Sasuke alarmed me and I instantly ran over to him. His hand was clutching onto the bite mark that was given to him unwillingly. My hand softly placed over his and he gazed at me.

A warm smile tugged at my lips. "A doctor will see you soon. And lord third should show up anytime now. Don't you worry, Sasuke."

My words were enough to get his facial features to relax a bit. Pain was still coursing through him as I saw he was clenching his jaw, but he was trying to suppress it and calm down. This hurts me. It hurts to see him in this much pain.

"Is this the patient?" A man's voice asked. I looked at the doctor who had a portable bed waiting for Sasuke. My throat let out a breath of relief.

"Yes, please hurry and help him!" I'm struggling so much to keep my composure around Sasuke.

The doctor helped Sasuke walk over to the portable bed and he laid on it, his midnight orbs linking with mine.

"I'll be here until you get better." I softly said and a small smirk danced on his lips. He actually.. smiled at me.. and genuinely.. I haven't seen that since we were both six years old... and seeing him smile at me made me feel tingly and warm inside..

My eyes never left his sight until the bed was being wheeled around the corner, and after it disappeared behind the wall I couldn't hold it in anymore.

All my emotions broke free from the prison I shoved them into. Anger, sadness, worry, anxiousness, anxiety, and panic broke out and my eyes started to sting with tears. As I blinked they were streaming down my face like waterfalls,  my breathing became extremely heavy as it felt like every ounce of oxygen was captured from my lungs. Every breath I took I wheezed and let out a loud sob. My body felt like it was an earthquake, my legs, arms, and hands started to vigorously shake. My feet stumbled backwards and I plopped down onto the chair Sasuke was just using.

I don't want to cry, but it feels like I can't stop it. I'm just too worried and scared about what is going on with Sasuke. Every part of me wants him to come out of this alive. Intrusive thoughts then popped into my mind, thinking of the worse scenario possible. Both of my hands flung to my head as my fingernails dug into my scalp. I need to stop those terrible thoughts. Calm down. Sasuke is strong. He will pull through. Have trust and faith in him.

Trust. Faith. That's what I needed to think of right now. All these negative thoughts won't make it any better, but, if I only think positively I will be able to calm down and believe that Sasuke it's one hundred percent going to be okay.

I inhaled deeply from my nose and exhaled through my mouth, repeating this several times before my breathing became normal again. I used the back of my hand to wipe away any stray tears and sat up straight in my seat.

Sasuke is strong. He won't let this falter   him, I know that now. He will be okay, and Sasuke will stay alive.

I believe in him.


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