15 0 0

Everything was set. I had successfully woken up at 4, an hour and a half before my parents wake up for their morning walk. Every ingrediant was in the kitchen, and the cake was in the refrigerator, waiting to be decorated. 

I quickly started whipping up some pancakes, and added different food colourings to six parts of the batter. While that was getting set, I made myself some coffee, coz' there was no way I would be able to stay awake without it. When the batter was done, and the pan was hot enough, I started pouring it in, and soon, the smell of those vanilla pancakes filled the air. When that was done, I got the whip cream out and added the 6 food colourings to them too, and then made a big rainbow on the plain white frosted cake.

Everything looked perfect for now, and then the wait started. It didn't take much time for my parents to wake up though. After 15 mins, I could hear an alarm going off and the stirring in their bedroom. 

I kept imagining different scenarios as to how this would go, which almost always ended up in them disowning me. That's why I had to make this perfect. I couldn't disappoint my parents, after all they've done for me. We have never really discussed about this, and we've never met a gay couple, so I wasn't sure if they were homophobic or not. I prayed to God they wouldn't be.

My thoughts were interrupted by my parents coming to to the kitchen yawning, reaching out to make coffee, when they stopped. That's when they took in their surroundings. Rainbow pancakes were on the counter, alongside a small cake with a huge rainbow on it. 2 cups of coffee was sitting near the coffee machine, and everywhere there was rainbow confetti. I might have gone a bit overboard with the rainbow.

"Mom, dad. I need to tell you something." A pause. No one said anything. After one big breath, I mustered up all the courage left inside me and said, 

"I'm gay."

Shit. They didn't say anything for legit 2 mins.

120 seconds

I fucked up. That's it. Will Solace is now homeless.

Why did I do this? Like seriously Will? Fucking rainbows? What are you? 5?

"Uh.. hello?"

That's when the explosion started. It was a good explosion. My parents hugged me and at that moment, that was when I really felt accepted.

For a while, everything was nice. I better enjoy this time.

"Did you know, I'm actually bi." my dad said, as if that wasn't the biggest truth bomb ever.

My mouth just dropped open, and it was pretty darn hard to keep it close then.

"Yeah, but then I met your mom. She was the most beautiful person I've ever set my eyes upon,and believe me, I've set my eyes upon MANY people."

"Dad, you just ruined a perfectly sweet and romantic moment. I do not want to know anything about your... Old love life."

My mom just laughed, and I did too.

I wasn't always the most happiest person. I know.. Shocker! Will Solace, the epitome of sunshine, rainbows and sparkles, not always happy?!

Even the sun can get depressed sometimes, ya know. Well no, I don't think so. But I can. I deserve to be sad sometimes. I think.

So, these moments, just blissful ones which make my heart feel warm, I take them and devour them, because I don't want to lose them. These memories keep me anchored to life, these memories remind me to not give up.

I finally remembered the most important part of my plan.

"Oh also, there is a pride parade today, if you guys want to come?"

"We would love that Will." my mom answered for the both of them.

"Yeah buddy, I can get off at 5 today. We can go then?"

"Sounds perfect." It really did.


By 5:30, everyone was ready. I quickly texted Nico, telling him that we were just leaving.

Nico - great! Meet you there. How did it go with your parents?

Will - It was PERFECT! God I'm so relieved

Nico - I'm glad. My parents didn't really care when I came out. 

Will - oh, will they come to the parade?

Nico - no

I didn't know what to say. Was I supposed to comfort him? He didn't seem sad though.

Will - You'll be hanging out with us then. And you are winning me anything rainbow

Nico - don't remember promising you that. But sure thing sunshine ;)

I blushed at the nickname and shut my phone off when my parents called me when they were ready to leave. So far, so good. Now I just have to introduce Nico.



Hi!! I really liked the way Will came out here. If I suddenly realized my sexuality, I would definitely come out like this. I don't really have anything else to say except I hope you like this! Also please comment and vote so that I know I'm not entirely ruining this

The sunshine to my darkness (CURRENTLY DISCONTINUED) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن