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"I hope you fall off a cliff (Y/n)!" Clove yelled as I ran away with her book. "You know I can't run!" She said as she attempted to chase me.
"You can run you just don't want to!" I laughed as I looked back to watch her almost trip.
"Make her run off a cliff if you really want her to fall of one." Kyle said as we ran past him.
"Kyle and Clove no one will be falling off a cliff today and (Y/n) give Clove her book back." Alexis said while she getting some supplies out.
"Alexis she has to get in shape at side point why not now?" I stopped right in front of her and Clove wasn't able to slow down so she ran into me and we both fell.
"Oww Clove try to be more careful." I got up and then helped her up.
"Clove doesn't need to get in shape, you may be athletic but not everyone else has to be and you're the one who should be more careful you stopped out of nowhere which is what made Clove hit you. Now carry this to the stadium please." Alexis said as she gave me a box full off old outfits and props. I rolled my eyes and gave clove her book back and started walking towards the stadium. Right now I'm in Galar and I'm getting ready for one of the biggest crowds we've ever had. I joined my theater group about six years ago and they've become my family. At first all our plays we put on were just for fun but now we travel all over the world just to perform. We even performed in front of Mewtwo which was terrifying.
As nice as Wyndon is its kinda big and I'm already lost. Why didn't we park closer to the stadium? I looked around to see if anyone was around and then I saw her, she had a pink dress with a black jacket on and she was wearing boots with heels and had her hair in pigtails, she's beautiful. She was sitting on a bench looking at her phone with a Pokémon sleeping on her lap so I walked over to her.
"E-excuse me but can you help me find stadium I'm not from around here."
I stuttered?! I haven't stuttered since I've joined the theater group! She looked up and blushed, why did she blush?
"Oh sure." She shook her Pokémon awake and it stretched its little arms out.
"I'm Marnie what's your name." Hmm her name sounds familiar.
"(Y/n) I'm apart of the theater group. I wish we would've parked closer so I wouldn't get lost trying to get this stuff to the stadium."
"I get it, the first time I was here I got lost and my brother took a few hours to find me." she smiled at the memory... how cute.
"That must've been terrifying! When did it happen?"
"Three days ago." She laughed while speaking, her laugh sounded adorable. Wait three days ago?
"Wait that was when then champion challenge thing started right? Did you watch the battle? I wasn't able to because I was so busy packing my stuff to come here. Who is gonna fight Leon?" The past few days have been more busy then ever and I had been really disappointed when I couldn't watch the first few battles. I looked at her waiting for her to answer she just smiled.
"I was actually one of the challengers in the semi finals, Gloria beat me, Hop and Victor so she's going to be the one to fight Leon." Oh my goodness that's why her name sounded familiar!
"I can't believe I didn't recognize you I loved watching you through the gym challenge. It so nice to finally meet you in person!" I remembered all the late nights I had stayed up just to watch recordings of her battles because I couldn't watch them in the day. She just laughed.
"Its nice to meet you in person too, I've watched some of the plays you've starred in and I've been wanting to meet you for awhile." Well time to freak out and die. We hadn't even meet each other in person yet we both knew each other and wanted to meet! This is so cool because she's also really cute!
"Oh we're here. Well it was nice meeting you guess I'll see you later." I looked up to see a huge building.
"How could I have ever missed that?"  As I was looking up I didn't see the step in front of me so I tripped spilling the costumes everywhere.
"Are you okay?!" Marnie asked in a panicked voice. I just lied there on the ground like an idiot,
"Yeah I'm good." I rolled over to lay on my back and I gave her a thumbs up while smiling.
"If you were okay then you wouldn't be bleeding." Bleeding? I took my hand up to my nose and sure enough there was blood.
"OHH THATS SO COOL! I've never had a bloody nose before." I smiled because as weird as it sounds its true, Clove gets one almost every week but that's only because she clumsy and falls all the time. She says it sucks but so far I'd rather chose a nose bleed over having a period. 


Never mind.

The blood is now flowing put of my nose and getting out all over my hair.
"(Y/n) you're making a mess now get up so I can help." She held her hand out and pulled me off the ground, she took out soon tissues.
"Why do you have tissues?" I asked now soaking my shirt with blood.
"Well Gloria, Victor, Bede and Hop are my friends and Bede pissed off Gloria so she punched him and he had a nose bleed and no one had anything to help so he stole Hops jacket and used that." She had that cute smile on her face which made me blush and I started laughing. I sometimes forgot that famous people still have personal lives with friends and family, even if I am famous its still hard to remember that. Then I almost fell back,
"I feel dizzy." Am I gonna pass out? Clove passes out sometimes because she thinks were all busy so she doesn't want to bother us by asking for help and I'll admit, sometimes I wonder how she's still alive. I took the tissues from her and started doing what Clove always does, hold my head back with the tissue on my nose. As I was doing that I stared picking up the clothes and Marnies Morpeko helped me and then Marnie joined.
"Wait so what did Bede do to make Gloria so mad?" I think I remember Bede... he always seemed pretty arrogant and rude.
"He said Hop was ugly knowing she likes Hop." Oh damn, am I hearing some friend secrets or is this common knowledge?
"Well that makes sense I guess. So do you fancy Bede or Victor? They seems like options." Hmm maybe that was a bit personal.
"A-actually I'm a lesbian." She said and looked down. She was obviously nervous, maybe that wasn't the best question, or maybe she thinks I'm homophobic.
"Oh that's cool, I'm one too." Luckily I'm not homophobic and I'd punch anyone who is. I heard her sigh of relief and she looked up to me with hopeful eyes.. no they weren't just hopeful, they had some love in them. I smiled and she did too a blush showed up on both of our faces as we gazed into each others eyes, but that ended as soon as I heard that obnoxious voice.
"(Y/NNNN)!!" I looked over to see Ryan driving over and I saw all the supplies with him, he stopped in front of us.
"You were taking to long so Alexis gave everything to me and they all went over to this café. Wait why are you all bloody? Did you try to kill someone again? Oh and did you finally find a girlfriend?"
"Why do you have to speak? No I did try to kill someone and I never have so don't say again, I fell and landed on my face, no she's not my girlfriend and what the fuck I got lost while trying to find the stadium why didn't Alexis get you before!"
Instead of answering he got out of the car, took the box I had and drove off.
I grabbed Marnies hand and started running, at first she was surprised but then se laughed.
She may not be my girlfriend now but I swear to Arceus by the time I have to leave this region she will be. 

Sorry I haven't updated this in awhile, school is killing me but I enjoy writing this so I'll try to get more out

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