Chapter 25- Asking for Advice

Start from the beginning

“Yeah, we’re okay.. Er, or as okay as we can be right now.”

“What are you talking about? Justin, what’s going on?” She demanded, I sighed but told her what happened after I hung up with her before; I left out the part where I called my mom and asked her for advice on making Bella feel better, since I was gonna ask her that. “Oh my god, that fucking bastard!”

“Yeah, tell me about it.”

“Justin, you don’t know the half of it.”

“Actually, I know all of it.”

There was a pause before she spoke, or whisper would be more accurate.

“Did… Did Bella tell you? About him?”

“Yeah, I knew you weren’t ever going to so I asked her. But before you get mad she didn’t just up and tell me, I had to convince her it was better if I knew. She’ll have to tell Tay too, we made a deal that she would tell both of us.” There was silence on the other end, did she hang up? “Lex? You still there?”

“Sorry, yeah I’m here. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you Justin, I was only trying to protect you.”



“Next time, protect me by telling me the truth.”

“Okay Jay.”

“On another matter, I need your help.” I said, I heard her yawn on the other end or was that me? Either way I felt bad for waking her up but I wanted Bella in somewhat normal state before I pass out.

“What is it?” Lex asked, I sighed before looking at Bella once again; the only thing moving was her shoulders as she breathed.

“It’s Bella, she’s scaring me.” I told her, that must’ve woke her up because she was suddenly alert.

“What’s she doing?”



“Nope, the only thing she’s doing is breathing.” I said, I walked in front of her to see her face emotionless as she stared at the floor; she must’ve done this before because Alexis started to ask questions.

“Is she hugging her knees to her chest?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

“Uh, yeah.”

“Her face expressionless?”


“She’s only breathing and looking at the floor?”

I Really Hate You Sometimes {On hold}Where stories live. Discover now