t h i r t y - t h r e e

Start from the beginning

"I thought like Louis Vuitton or so--"

"Louis Vuitton?" you asked. "What the fuck do we need to go to Louis Vuitton for? She's two, Grayson."

"We're not buying her the whole store, y/n, she deserves more than a toy-- besides, her present's late so--"

"That doesn't mean you have to get her something that's like, thousands of dollars-- e/w is gonna kill you--"

"She's my niece--"

"Uncle Gray?" Gray turned, quickly remembering Elle was still in the car. You looked out the window.

"Hey there," he said with a smile. She handed him his phone, kicking her legs against the back of your seat. "Thank you."

"Thank you," she repeated. You smiled. "Y/NN?" You looked back as Gray turned his eyes back to the road.

"Hm?" She reached her hand out and you held yours back to let her take it. "You excited?"

"Toy?" she asked. You glared at Grayson who rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Yeah, we're going to get you some toys."


"What?" you asked. He sighed, picking up a jar of peanut butter along with some almond butter. "I thought you got everything--"

"I only got almond milk," he mumbled. Your jaw fell as Elle hopped from foot to foot to test her balance, holding onto your finger. "You didn't answer your phone last ni--"

"So you came all the way to the store to get groceries and only picked up one thi--"

"I thought it was what we needed most-- it was almost closing, y/n." You sighed in frustration. "Elle, can you hold this for me please?" he asked her. She looked up at him and took a jar.

You smiled as you crouched down to fix her dress; the hem had rolled up a little. She giggled and held it up to you.

"Pea-but!" You laughed and shook your head.

"Peanut," you corrected. She stayed by your leg as Gray ran off to get a cart.

You'd decided to come to target and the first thing Gray admitted to? That he hadn't done the groceries like he'd said he would the day prior. He brought back a cart and set the bottles down as Elle reached up on her toes to drop hers in too. You smiled as she raised her arms.

You sat her in the back of the cart, as you pushed it forward.

"You weren't picking up and so I decided to just get what we needed for this morning--"

"I texted you a list, Grayson," you sighed. "And I know you saw it--"

"Y/N, I can't do everything," he grunted. You stared at him.

"I can go grocery shopping, Grayson," you said as you pushed the cart along. Elle stood in it, holding the peanut butter jar up to show you. You smiled at her. "You just say you're gonna do everything and then you nev--"

Elle began to whine and you looked down. "We're getting your toy, angel, just give me a second, okay?" She frowned at Grayson while she held the jar of peanut butter close.

You spent the rest of your little grocery trip talking to Elle, leaving Gray to pick up everything, going as far as ignoring him if he talked to you. "See, all done!" Gray cheered as you steered towards the toy section. Elle squealed as he pulled her out of the car and set her down, the jar of peanut butter that she'd claimed still with her.

"Let's see, here, this isle should be good?" you asked her. She ran straight in with Gray on her trail as you pushed the cart along.

She pointed at everything she passed. "This?" Gray asked, holding up a box of lego. Lego Friends.

"No," she said, quickly, shaking her head and waving it off. Gray put it back as he picked up another box. "No," she said again.

You smiled as she made him pick up every single thing, only to put it back after a quick once over. "How about we check out another isle?" he asked eventually. She nodded after a thought.

She ran out and he followed her as she headed down the store. "Oh, we're leaving the toy section?" you asked. She giggled as she ran straight into the home decor section. You smiled as she tugged out a little pillow.

"You want a pillow?" She looked at it, even putting her jar of peanut butter down to analyze it. Then she shook her head.

"Nuh uh." You laughed as Gray pushed her along. She ended up in the kitchen section and you sighed as you checked your phone.

"It's almost three, Gray," you mumbled. He looked up as he crouched down next to her. He took a knife set away from her and steered her along.

"When does she have to nap?" You shrugged. "When's the party?" You shrugged again.

"Ask Ethan," you suggested, pushing the cart. You bumped into Elle. "Oh my, I'm sorry," you said quickly. She stumbled forward, dropping the jar. She gasped and ran after it as it rolled. Gray stood and reached into his pocket.

"Oh, he said four," he mumbled in a few moments. You sighed.

"We have to hurry so she can nap," you said as you turned the corner to find her looking at more kitchen accessories. Quite adorable, really. "If we hadn't gotten groceries, we'd have had more time." He looked at you.

"Y/N, I fucking told you-- I just thought it was the best thing to do since it was so late--"

"You were already here, Grayson! You should've just grabbed it while you could've instead of wasting so much time today."

"Maybe if you did something for once, we wouldn't have this problem--"

"Do something?" you asked. "Gray, I do plenty; I clean, I do all of your fucking laundry--"

"Okay well maybe if you'd picked up yesterday when I'd called you to ask, I would've known--"

"I was sleeping! It was fucking eleven pm, Grays--"

Elle began to whine, cutting you off. You looked down to see her between you both. A frown on her face, she huffed out a breath. "Hey, pumpkin," Gray sighed, voice very quiet. The colour in his face had calmed down as he crouched down to her height.

She handed him something and he took it, an eyebrow raised. "For Gray," she mumbled, closing his fist around it. She turned and held something up to you. You took it. "For y/nn!" she giggled. You raised an eyebrow.

"Thank you?" you asked. She nodded, smiling.

"We have salt and pepper shakers, pumpkin," Gray said. "At our house." He stood to put the pepper shaker, in the shape of a cow, back onto the shelf. She shrieked.

"F-ends!" she screamed, pulling him back by the hem of his shorts. He frowned down at her. You stared at the cow-shaped salt shaker in your fist. "Cow," she said.

"This is a cow," you confirmed, holding yours up. She nodded and began to walk down the aisle. You stared after her and she turned, frowning.

"Come?" she asked with a yawn. "Hometime, uncle Gray."

"But you need a present, pumpkin," Grayson said with a frown. She pointed to the both of you.


"For us?" he asked. She nodded.

"Be f-ends," she said with a smile. You looked at Grayson, who looked right back at you.

"What about for you, Elle?" you asked. She held up the jar of peanut butter.

"Pea- but!"

wrong one//g.dWhere stories live. Discover now