2 Let Me Chase Him

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Okay, so I may have lied. The fact that Kacchan was in front of me was very distracting. While class was going on, I couldn't help but to stare at the back of his neck. The curvature of his neck and the muscles was gleaming in my eyes.

What is wrong with me? Is something wrong?

Eventually, it was time for P.E. The guys and the girls separated to the locker rooms.

I began switching into my gym outfit when I paused. In my line of sight was Kacchan. I could feel my face warm up as it turned bright red.

He took off his shirt. He looked over at me. He growled, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT YOU, **** NERD!" His hands began spark as he jump over at me.

And that's how I injured before gym.

When I ran into the gym, Uraraka came over to and asked, "Oh no! What happened to you, Deku? Are you okay?"

I laughed, "Hahah, it's okay. It was only Kacchan."

She said, "Maybe it's best if you don't hang around him so often. It could be quite... dangerous."

I replied, "Why? We have always been around each other, and it wasn't that big of a problem. I will always love him regardless."

"Um," she said with an uneasy expression. "Well, you're not exactly in the right frame of mind."

"What do you mean?" I was genuinely confused. As far as I knew, I haven't came across the last person I saw before being affected by the mysterious quirk. Maybe it was some random passerby. Lucky!

"Um," she said with a chuckle to brush something off.

Did I just mumbled that whole thing I thought out loud?

"How about we go practice some new fighting techniques?" She said, "I've learned some from Gunhead."

"Oh sure," I said.

So we went at it for a while. Some of those moves were amazing! I wrote it down in my notebook. As I was writing, I saw Kacchan fly past us as Kirishima chased him.

I wanted to chase after Kacchan. I sat down my book and powered up.

"Deku?" Uraraka called alarmed. "What are you-?"

I didn't let her finish.

I jumped towards where Kacchan was. As I reached him, he landed on his feet. He didn't see me in time as I collided into him. I wrapped my arms around him.

Kacchan growled, "What the-!"

I rubbed my head on his cheek and said, "I love you, Kacchan."

"Get off!" Kacchan yelled as he tried to push me off of him. He couldn't resist my grip.

I was using my power.

"Midoriya, boy," I heard All Might's voice called.

I didn't respond to him. I wanted to be with Kacchan longer. I didn't care how much Kacchan hits me and yell at me. "I want to be with you so much I could die."

Kacchan tensed after I said that.

Suddenly, I felt my power suddenly stop. Aizawa must've been close by. Someone grabbed my shoulder and pulled me off of him.

It was Todoroki. He said, "Midoriya, you should calm down. Maybe you should rest."

"I'm not tired," I said. I was just hugging Kac-." I stopped as I looked over at Kacchan.

He had his normal angry face on, but something was off. His expression looked somewhat sad. What happened? Is he okay?

"Maybe I can-."

Kirishima came over to Kacchan's side and said, "Bakugou's just tired. Just give him some time, and you can go back to your hugging later."

Bakugou growled quietly, "Kiri-."

"I know," he said back quietly.

What was that? Was there something between them I didn't know? Why did he get to have that?

"Kacchan?" I called, but he was avoiding looking at me. Why won't he look at me?

Look at me, Kacchan.

Not Kirishima.

"LOOK AT ME, KATSUKI!" I yelled.

Kacchan tensed, but he began walking away along with Kirishima.

I began going after him, but Todoroki held on to me. I heard Uraraka behind me. I tried powering up, but I could't.

Eventually, I felt more arms grabbing me.

I wanted Kacchan to look at me! I wanted Kacchan to love me! Maybe he needed to know. Maybe he needed a reminder!

"Kacchan, I l̷̡̖͂̅̒̕͝o̵͔̱̣̼͘͜v̷̜͍̬͚̬̏̋͑͌̚̕͝͠e̶̟̻̼̲̰̗͋̾̍̉̒̚ͅ you!"

Finally, I was being dragged out of the gym by Aizawa, All Might and Todoroki.

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