Los Angeles Connection 1.1.2

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Previously on The Great Pretender....

"I swore that drugs were the one thing I'd never touch, my life is over thanks to you!" He yelled.

"Oh so naive and oh so dumb," I said to Abbie earning a nod from her.

Laurent laughed a bit, "You poor thing, you talking about these?" He said holding up the Japanese candy laughing a bit more.


"They certainly did the trick,", Laurent said laughing again.

"You really think this is funny!" Edamura yelled only to be cut off by another piece of candy being thrown into his mouth, causing him to panic.

"Hold on," Laurent said putting the sweets back into his pocket, "what kind did you get, is it orange or grape?"

"I-it's strawberry," Edamura said.

"You honestly thought Sakura Magic was real?" Laurent said with his usual smirk.

Edamura was shocked.

"It's a fake, sweetie," Y/N said putting another piece of lobster in her mouth.

"That powder was cornstarch," Laurent explained, "And I started that whole rumor in the first place."

"But-but what about when they-" Edamura said being cut off by Abbie laughing hysterically with a crazy look and Y/N doing something similar.

"You both, especially you, were faking that too?"He said pointing at Y/N, then his belly grumbled making Y/N giggle a bit. He grabbed a lobster and started to eat.

" Yea, I thought you were too, "Abbie said nonchalantly getting another lobster," I guess you were really freaking out weren't you? "

Laurent cut off a piece of his lobster," what a cute little drifter. "

" Quelle journée/What a day, "Y/N said looking out to the sunset.

" Why'd you have to use me? You had Y/N, "Edamura asked.

" Castano's been bugging me about bringing in the guy who created Sakura Magic for a while now, "Laurent said putting another piece of lobster in his mouth," And Y/N likes to work on the side lines. "

Y/N looked over at the two guys.

"The problem is there really aren't any decent Japanese confidence men to be found," Laurent explained.

Abbie looked over, "mm, what about that guy in miami, what was his name Yan or Yo whatever, he was fine."

"Oh yea, what about that guy from-" Y/N said only to be cut off by Laurent.

"He's also Taiwanese and for the last time we are not gonna use your ex," Laurent said causing Y/N to roll her eyes and look somewhere else.

"So what, they all look the same," Abbie said still stuffing her face.

"Out of everybody the scout checks for me, you were the best," Laurent explained once more.

"Nobody scouted me," Edamura said but the realisation had hit him.

"The water filter lady?!" Edamura said in disbelief.

"So you did notice that little clue," Laurent said holding up his arm showing the same golden watch the old lady had.

-With the old lady-

"His skills are alright, I guess, he's a little young but he can pass as a researcher," The old lady said on the phone.

"Shi Oun Kin, in her prime, she was one of the best at catching egotistical men with her charm,"Laurent said," a top notch confidence woman. "

" If you want, I'm sure I can lure him in for you, "Shi Oun said.

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