Meine Probleme 4

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𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 : r/ThereWasAnAttempt , death.

The hunt was on. It lasted months, her parents were smart.

She never stopped looking. There were close instances but she never got close enough.

That was until they slipped up.

Y/N panted as she held a metal pole.

Her shoulders were quivering in such fury, anyone would feel it before even seeing her.

She slowly made her way to the couple, who's backs were turned.

Y/N lifted the pole before swinging.

"We should-"

F/N was cut off. M/N screamed as she watched her husband fall to the floor.

Y/N pointed the pole at M/N.

"What did you do to him?"

M/N held up her hands.

"What did you do to Yoi!?"

F/N coughed and groaned as he slowly gained consciousness. Oddly quick.

"We... Didn't want him coming after us," M/N finally spoke up.

"What do you mean?"

"He was hunting us down," She explained.

"Where are you going?" Y/N asked Yoi who was reloading his gun.

"You remember those bad people that left you alone?" He asked.

Y/N nodded.

"I'm going to pay them a visit," He said with a bone chilling smile that didn't affect the 5 year old.

"He was hunting you down because you abandoned me," Y/N said reaching for her pistol, "He retired, 20 years ago, you killed him when he had no fucks to give about you!"

Y/N pointed the pistol at M/N.

M/N wanted to say something but nothing left her mouth.

"You look like a fish, spit it out," Y/N demanded.

"W-we didn't know," M/N stuttered out.

F/N started to move before a bang and a clank filled the air.

M/N eyes widened as blood splattered on her clothes.

She screamed out at her dead husband.

Y/N stooped down infront of M/N who was sobbing.

She held the gun to her head.

"Did you ever really love me?" Y/N asked. It wasn't her any more. There was no one behind those lifeless eyes.

"I-i loved you more than anything! I never wanted to give you up! I regret it all!"

Y/N smiled, "Now you'll go with the fact that.... I hate you."

Before M/N could open her mouth, a bullet pierced her head.

She fell back and Y/N stood up.

She looked towards the window to see her reflection.

Y/N looked down at the gun in her hand before bringing it up. She pressed the trigger... But nothing happened.

She threw the gun away before taking out her phone.

"Ja, ich möchte eine Straftat melden. Es ist bei /Yes, I'd like to report a crime. It's at ########-######."

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