Los Angeles Connection 1.2.2

843 33 3

Third Person POV

A man sat there smoking until he saw a black car coming, he alerted his other colleagues and they opened the gates.

"We're doing the deal here?" Laurent asked.

"this is the place," Eddie said as the car stopped. He took off his seat belt and opened the door.

Everyone got out.

"uh, where are we anyway?" Edamura asked.

"Any of you drink hard cider?" Eddie asked knocking on the metal door.

"Yea! I love it all," Abbie said.

"Used to make it here," Eddie explained, "Now it's used for something else."

Inside there were people opening packages that seemed to be filled with drugs.

"It's a... Narcotics factory," Laurent said.

"The heart of the Casano family," Eddie said as he watched the group, seemingly filled with 12 people, do their work

"Fascinating, with a facility of this size Sakura Magic could easily be mass produced," Laurent said before turning to Edamura, "Doctor? The recipe."

"Ah, yes," Edamura said opening his bag.

"I won't be needing it," Eddie said, his back still turned to the duo.

"What?" Laurent asked.

"There's a sushi bar downtown I used to love. The food was to die for,absolutely exquisite, " Eddie explained before turning to face the duo, "Not anymore, two years ago they got a new chef. He used the same recipes but it was different. It wasn't as good."

Edamura was confused, wanting to know where this was going.

"He couldn't recapture the magic, ya know what I mean?" Eddie asked.

Edamura's grip on his bag tightened.

"The recipe isn't what makes the masterpiece, it's the expertise of the artist that matters," Eddie explained, "Doctor, Sakura Magic is a masterpiece."

"Er-" Edamura made a weird noise before being cut off.

"That's means you have to be the one to make it," Eddie said walking up to Edamura before placing a hand on his shoulder and gripping it hard, "And you're going to do it for me, right here in this very factory."

Everyone's attention was now on Eddie and Edamura.

"Where we can all watch it happen," Eddie finished.


Anderson and his driver went back to their hideout. Walking up the stairs to the room while holding their neck or arm.

Inside the room was a red-headed female typing away at the computers. The door was opened and Anderson walked in with his usual resting bitch face. Before his eyes landed on his team standing nervously.

"Hm? What's going on here?" Anderson asked only to be answered with silence, he saw three people at a desk "Hey, who in the hell are you guys?"

The trio continued typing away making Anderson walking over to them.

"More importantly, just what do you think you're doing?" Anderson asked with his usual gruff voice.

"We're working, can't you tell?" The red-head asked keeping her gaze on the computer screen.

"Escuse me?!"

She stood up before taking out a badge that said FBI,"FBI, special investigator. Pola Dickens."

The Great Pretender (Reader Insert) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang