Singapore Sky 2.1

311 11 9

The shuttering of a airplane engine sounded as smoke trailed behind it.

Abbie pulled the throttle with a sickening grin as Edamura held on for dear life.

The airplane got lower as the propellers started to cut out.

Edamura was on the verge of throwing up at this point.

Oh god.

The airplane soon exploded.

Now... Let's run that back. From the top.

•Currently in the USA.

Dirt bike riders were hoping mounds as they sped through the track.

Some hitting each other, some drifting and others being assholes. I mean like how dare you kick off 69.

But then again, it's Abbie, so I'll let it slide.

Number 13 kicked off another rider before the bike went out of control.

She was thrown off causing her to tumble in the dirt.

"Quit playing around!"

Abbie slowly sat up.

"My thoughts exactly, or the next thing you'll be riding is a wheelchair," Laurent said in his usual pink and purple shirt. "

Abbie slid off her helmet and let out a soft grunt.

"Actually the ambulance would come first. Or maybe you want to die," Laurent said.

Abbie flipped him off.

"It's been a while, you up for a job?" Laurent asked, "I hear our friend is getting released soon."

"Not interested," Abbie said.

Laurent let out a small chuckle, "Don't say that. I have some bad news, it seems eating shitty food has changed him for the better. After all, he said he's going to start living an honest life."

Edamura made his bed before joining the others for breakfast. His head was shaved into a buzz cut.

They ain't silently... And awkwardly.

The slapping of sandals hit the wooden floor as they group went.... Somewhere.

" Number 214,"A man in a uniform called out.

" Yes?" Edamura responded straightening up.

" Having fun? "

"Yea I am," He said truthfully, "More than I thought I would."

"That's good because if you're interested, I'd like to give you a job referral."

"A job referral?"

"You are getting out of here soon," The man said, "You have something else lined up?"


"Well I imagine your mother will take comfort up in heaven if you get yourself an honest job to earn a living."

"I have a message from Laurent, he says he's planning a party and you're invited," Kudo said, "Now he wants you to all him when you know when you're getting out."

"Think about it Edamura, we could work together over seas, what do you say?" Kudo asked with a bright grin before letting out a small laugh.

Edamura however didn't look happy.

"Clothing. Backpack. Smartphone. Wallet," The guard listed as he showed Edamura his items, "That's everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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