part 2 : Intro 2

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Thirteen Years Ago

It was a clear morning when four little girls, best friends who adored each other, sat together in a park. They chatted about various topics until kate suddenly asked, "Do you all believe in destiny?"

rachel replied, "I don't know much about it. Is it even true?"

wendy chimed in, "Yes, it's true. My mom told me that God has already written our destinies by the time we are born."

yuie responded, "Wow, you sound so grown-up for being only 11 years old. But I agree with you. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm both excited and scared."

kate asked, "Why are you scared?"

yuie explained, "Because what if one of our lives becomes miserable? I have scary dreams sometimes. In them, we're all adults, but there's a lot of chaos. It's really frightening. Sometimes I even see demons."

rachel asked, "Did you tell your mom about this?"

yuie said, "Nope."

wendy exclaimed, "Aaaaah, guys, stop it! Why are we talking about this? Let’s just enjoy being kids."

They all laughed and started playing in the park.

Thirteen Years Later

Now, all four girls have grown up and pursued different careers.

kate, now 21, is a businesswoman who sometimes helps manage her parents' vast business empire in Seoul. Her father often warns her never to make deals with their rival, kim namjoon, without explaining why. kim namjoon, at 25, has taken over his family business and become one of the richest men in Korea after his father's death.

rachel, now 22, has fulfilled her childhood dream of joining the military. She is a talented student in the military and air force academy. She meets park jimin, the youngest and most powerful general in Seoul, who is known for being strict but fair.

wendy has become the most famous news anchor in Seoul, driven by her desire to reveal the truth. She works for a renowned news channel alongside min yoongi, a powerful and influential anchor known for his political commentary.

yuie has dreamed of becoming a doctor since she was 11. She lives with her mother after her father's death and is now a talented medical student at Seoul's most prestigious institution. There, she meets kim taehyung, a fellow student in her class.

Jennifer and jeon jungkook

Jennifer, now 25, belongs to a mafia family. After her parents died in a car accident when she was 20, she continued an engagement arranged by her parents with kim namjoon for business reasons. Despite her wealth, she is driven by greed and constantly tries to seduce namjoon, who sees through her intentions.

jeon jungkook is one of the most powerful mafia leaders in South Korea, feared even by politicians. Though he claims to love a girl, his obsession leads him to torture her, making her life a living hell. His power is unmatched, and no one has discovered his weakness.

Written by Mashkook 7

The Unholy Reunion Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora