Personal Chef [requested]

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Justin cooks you breakfast

Your eyes fluttered open and you stretched out. Rolling over your left you realized Justin's side of the bed was empty. Sitting up, you wrapped the covers around your naked body. A smile crept up on your lips as last night's--well early this morning--events played in your mind. Your reminiscing was cut short when you heard commotion from downstairs.

"Shit!" Justin's whining was followed by a loud bang, what you guessed was a pan dropping to the floor.

'Oh lord, what is this guy doing?' You thought to yourself. Deciding you should probably go and see now, you hopped out of the bed, and went to the dresser to get one of his shirts to put on. You always loved how they smell like him. Slipping on the shirt, along with a pair of panties, you made your way downstairs.

Just as you suspected, you found him in the kitchen, to your surprise, trying to cook. Saying that the kitchen was a complete wreck, would be an understatement. There was pancake mix all over the counters, egg shells on the floor.

He was facing the stove, so his back was turned and he hadn't heard you walk in. His ensemble was simple, gray sweats that hung loosely, showing the waistband of his Calvin's and no shirt. His hair, which was back to the brown you absolutely loved, was in a mess on the top of his head. You stood there, staring at his back wondering how someone could look so incredibly sexy from behind. Again, you found yourself reminiscing as you saw the multiple scratches up and down his back. You bit down on your lip as you thought, not even noticing he turned around.

"What are you doing up?" He questioned looking at you with a smirk. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment knowing he caught you. Trying to avoid his stares for a moment, you looked down and noticed he had a wet cloth wrapped around his hand.

"What happened to your hand?" You asked walking around the island, avoiding stepping in any of the mess he made.

"I, uh, accidentally touched the handle of the pan and burned it..." He said looking up at you innocently. That explained the bang you heard.

"Oh my gosh, Justin. What am I gonna do with you?" You sighed, unwrapping the towel from his hand to see the damage.

"All you gotta do is love me, baby." He replied with a toothy grin and a sloppy kiss to your cheek. You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile that had made its way across your face. He was just too secute.

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed but...." He took a look around the kitchen. "I don't think it's working too well for me." You chuckled and looked behind him at the runny scrambled eggs, and burnt toast.

"As great as this all looks babe, how about we just go out for breakfast, yeah?" It was super sweet of him to do this and you thought it was adorable, but let's just say, he should stay in the studio, and out of the kitchen.

"I think I like your idea better..." He said laughing and you joined pulling him out of the kitchen.

"Did I ever tell you how great you look in my shirts?" He asked, his head nestled into your neck as he hugged you from behind while the two of you walked towards the stairs.

"Hmmm, I don't think so..." You teased.

"You look sexier with nothing, but this is a close second." He whispered.

"Well, the faster we get to breakfast, the faster we'll get back and you might get a chance to--"

"How about I get my breakfast, right now?" He challenged licking over his lips.

"What are yo-" your sentence was cut short by him picking you up and putting you over his shoulder, going upstairs. When you got to the bedroom that the two of you shared, he lightly placed you on the bed and hovered on top of you.

"What I want to eat just isn't on the menu baby."


It's a little on the short side I know, but enjoy! x

Interracial Imagines | j.b. [bwwm]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora