Catfish | Part Two

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"I still can't believe this." You said reaching over and grabbing the bag of gummy worms.

Before he took you back to his place, he had his driver stop at a store and he picked up a bunch of snacks and candy for the two of you. He picked out all of your favorites. You were surprised he remembered, you only had a brief conversation about it, maybe once or twice. Now you both were sitting in the middle of his living room floor, all the snacks around you.

"Believe it, baby girl." He responded taking the gummy worms from you causing you to give him the illest mug you could muster up.

"Watch yourself, Bieber. I don't play when it comes to my food." You stated seriously before snatching the bag out of his hands. He only laughed like this was a joke, but you were really serious.

"You can't hog all the gummy worms, [Y/N]." He bit his lip trying to hide his laugh. "Did you forget those are my favorite too?"

"Well, that's too damn bad!" You said mimicking the grandfather in the movie, Holes and popped one in your mouth. His jaw dropped and you fell over laughing. In the midst of all this, he took the bag back and stood up, holding it over his head with a smirk.

"Seriously Justin, this isn't funny, give them back." You tried reaching up but he had some inches on you and it was no use.

"You're cute when you're mad." He said not budging, that annoyingly yet sexy smirk still on his face.

"Justinnnnnn" you whined and pouted.

"Okay, okay...I'll give them to you," he started but before you could get too excited he said, "but you have to do something first." You raised an eyebrow at him waiting for him to continue.

"Kiss me." He licked over his lips and looked down at you. That one move alone had you ready to jump on him at that moment but you contained yourself, deciding to play a little game with him.

"Okay." You responded slightly biting your lip resulting in him raising an eyebrow. You began to lean up slowly, as he leaned down. Just as your lips were about to touch, you swiftly grabbed the bag of worms and ran off to the kitchen in a laughing fit. Soon after he appeared in the kitchen with you, his face a little red.

"You're cute when you're mad." You said mocking him and holding back your laughter.

"Really, [Y/N]?"

"Hey," you shrugged. "Don't hate the player, hate the game."

"You do know you have to kiss me now right?" He said eyeing you from the other side of the island.

"Uh. I don't have to do anything, Bieber." You replied eating another worm.

"Why are you looking at me like that." You said nervously. He was processing something in his mind all whilst staring at you and suddenly you had the urge to run. Not because you were scared, just you didn't know exactly what he was about to do.

Just as you expected he started coming around to your side of the island and you backed up. Suddenly your back was against the fridge and you had nowhere to go. He placed his hands on the fridge closing you in.

"So what was that you were just saying?" He asked lowly, staring down at you.

"I-I, uhm. Y-you...." You stuttered. His sudden closeness was making you nervous. His placed a finger over your lips.

"Shhh." His smirk that you've grown to know over these past few hours with him has returned across his lips. In one move he grabbed your chin and crashed his lips into yours. The bag of gummy worms dropped from your hand as you immediately wrapped them around his neck, kissing him back.

You felt his tongue graze across your lips asking for access which you happily granted him. Your tongues moved in sync and his hands transferred down to your waist pulling you even closer to him, if that was possible. You pulled away, breathing hard as he stared into your eyes.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do that." He said before pecking your lips again causing you both to smile into the kiss.

"Your mouth tastes sour." You teased knowing it was because of the gummy worms.

"You too. But I bet something else tastes a bit sweeter."

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