"A couple of days ago," Emir explains. "We had dinner and were barefoot for awhile. She must have gotten the cuts there. I should have paid more attention. She's not used to the beach. It was the first time she had ever been to one. I should have made sure she was more careful. This is all my fault."

"It's not your fault," Melike tells him, trying to comfort him.

But Emir can't make himself believe her. She doesn't know how he just left Reyhan at the beach all on her own. He should have made sure she got home safely.

"She's right, Emir Bey," the doctor agrees. "Things like this just happen. But unfortunately in this case, the infection set in quickly and then moved into her bloodstream. That's going to make it harder to treat. Once sepsis sets in, which it has in your wife's case, it's no longer a simple matter of antibiotics."

"I don't understand," Emir frowns. "What are you doing for her?"

"Treating the fever and infection as best we can for now. And keeping her comfortable," the doctor adds. "If the sepsis progresses, she may start to lose function of her vital organs."

Emir pales visibly as his knees buckle. It takes everything in him to stay on his feet. Melike isn't as lucky. He catches her as she begins to lose her balance. It's his reminder that he has to stay strong.

"Can we see her?" Emir manages to ask after clearing his throat, the words getting stuck for some reason.

"She's still unconscious, which is probably for the best. And we need to limit her exposure to anyone until we can get the infection under control. In a few hours if she's more stable, we'll allow a short visit. Geçmiş olsun."

The doctor leaves Emir and Melike there in shock. Reyhan is usually so vibrant, so healthy. It's hard to imagine her as sick as she is now.

"She'll be fine," Melike says, patting him on the arm. Emir is disheartened to realize she doesn't sound so sure of that. "All we can do now is pray."

"This is all my fault," Emir says again, still blaming himself. "I'd been avoiding her. Being my usual stubborn self. Why didn't I make sure she got home from the beach safely? Why didn't I notice she had cuts on her feet? Four days, Melike abla. I didn't speak to her for four days. And all that time, this was happening to her."

"Emir ..." Melike starts, intending to comfort him. But she's interrupted when a pale Hikmet steps from around the corner.

"What have you done to that girl?" he asks, wide eyes staring at Emir. "What have you done?"

"Baba, I ..."

"No, I heard you. She's been sick for days and you didn't notice?"

"Baba, if you just ..."

"How could you be so cruel? How could you be so heartless? So irresponsible? You haven't learned anything in these past couple of months. I thought you would grow up and learn to take responsibility for your actions. But you've learned nothing."

Emir can't really say anything to defend himself. His father is right about almost everything he's saying. Emir was cruel. He was heartless. And he was irresponsible. He let his pride stop him from realizing a truth that is now slapping him in the face.

"You're right, and I'm sorry," Emir admits. "But this has been a wake up call. I need to be a man and step up. I may not have been there before, but I'm here for her now. Reyhan is my wife and I accept that."

"Oh how big of you," Hikmet says, the sarcasm dripping from his angry words. "But you're about two months too late. I see now that I made a mistake in bringing Reyhan here to you. There's no saving you."

The verbal jabs feel almost like a physical punch to Emir and he's stunned into silence.

"Get out of here. I can't even look at you anymore."


"Go! It's what you've been doing for the past four days anyway. She doesn't need a husband like you. You don't deserve a wife like her."

The look on Hikmet's face leaves no room for an argument. And it's clear he has no idea he's breaking his son's heart.

"Emir," Melike says to diffuse the situation. "Come with me."

She takes him by the arm and pulls him down the hall, away from Hikmet. Emir goes easily, still too much in shock to resist her.

"Listen, Oğlum," she says quietly. "Things are tense. Your father is just worried about Reyhan the same way we are. Give him some space."

"I'm not leaving my wife," Emir insists.

"I'm not suggesting that. Just some time and space. Go home and rest for a bit," Melike suggests. "Reyhan is going to be here for awhile. So maybe get some things from the room for her that will make her feel more at home. Things like her favorite sleep shirt. And her mother's photo. That will make her happy when she wakes up."

Emir doesn't want to go, but Melike is right. And if he's honest, his father is right too. He really doesn't deserve a wife like Reyhan. But from this moment on, Emir is determined to come to terms with how he feels about her and to be a man that she can love. This sudden illness has opened his eyes to the gift he's been given. And for the second time that day, he makes a vow to himself not to lose her.

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