Chapter 17

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Reyhan never gets tired of listening to Ayla's laughter. The child is so happy and it normally gives her a sense of pride that she's the source of that happiness. Usually. This time she can't take the credit. This time, Emine hanım, one of Ayla's new favorite people after meeting at the wedding yesterday, has come to visit and Ayla can't get enough of the older woman currently making the stuffed animals make crazy noises.

"You know, the more you do that, the more she's going to ask you to do it," Reyhan says to the woman with a smile. "You're going to be making those animals talk all day if she has her way."

"What the princess wants, the princess shall have," Emine says, tapping Ayla on the nose.

"Yes, but it's time for the princess to take a nap," Reyhan says, giving Ayla an 'I mean business' look. Ayla pouts for a minute, but she finally obeys and heads to her room after giving both Emine and Reyhan hugs. The nanny is waiting at the door for her.

The nanny was a bit of an argument between Reyhan and Emir. She didn't want one. Didn't think they needed one. But Emir insisted. The nanny is there during the day to keep Reyhan from getting over tired. Although she's gotten better and is well enough to be out of the hospital, she still has weekly doctor's visits and therapy. And two things the doctor emphasizes is a lot of rest and no stress. Ayla can be a handful at times and Reyhan has to admit that the nanny has been a big help.

"So, how have you been, canım?" Emine asks Reyhan, taking a sip of the coffee Reyhan has made. "My husband tells me you've been in the hospital?"

"Much better, thanks. The hospital here is terrific and treated me wonderfully. This whole city is wonderful. I love it here."

"You didn't love Istanbul?" Emine is curious.

"I wasn't there long," is all Reyhan says, trying to ignore the clench in her stomach thinking of all the pain she left behind in Istanbul. That place was torture for her. "I'm originally from Erzurum and moved to Istanbul when Emir and I married."

"That's right! You two are newlyweds too. I remember hearing how some woman finally tamed Cavidan Tarhun's wild son. I guess you're that woman," Emine says, giving Reyhan an assessing look. "You're not what I would have imagined, but you're clearly what he needed. I'm going to be honest. Your husband had quite a reputation. I was hesitant for my husband to work with him. But my husband is very pleased with the work Emir is doing."

"Thank you," Reyhan says, kind of coldly. A bit offended that the woman had her doubts about Emir. "My husband is a hard worker and is very successful at what he does. Your husband is the lucky one."

Emine just laughs, patting Reyhan on the lap.

"Well said, kızım," she says. "You just tactfully put me in my place. You two are very protective of each other. It's a beautiful thing to see. He takes care of you well. You take care of each other well. You're a very good match. So don't get me wrong when I say this, but I'm surprised Cavidan would have allowed her son to marry someone like you. I know the kinds of girls she was looking at to be her daughter in law. You are nothing like any of them. Be proud of that, by the way. Nothing but useless bunches of fluff. It's no wonder Emir was never interested in any of them."

"Cavidan hanım and I are ... very slowly getting used to each other," Reyhan admits, trying to make things seem better than they were. "But it's probably for the best that I'm here in Ankara while I finish my recovery. Cavidan hanım strongly objected to the marriage and did not love being overruled by my uncle. He's the one who wanted me to marry Emir. "

"Well, Emir doesn't seem to mind either," Emine says with a wink. "And at the end of the day, that's all that matters. He looks at you as if you're the best thing that ever happened to him."

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