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"This is the most beautiful day of my life."

She had said those words to him just before everything changed. It took just a split second for the look in his eyes to go from utter adoration to utter disgust. Just one minute for her dream date to turn into a nightmare. The worst thing is about the whole thing ... she has no idea why.

"Payment ... for your services."

She looks down at the check in her hand, the one he had given her at the conclusion of their beautiful date. She's confused. She's hurt. She's offended. But before she can figure any of it out, he's gone. He left her there on the beach all alone.

Without his guidance, she's unable to navigate the unfamiliar, sandy terrain easily. She doesn't pay any attention to where she's walking and steps on too many pieces of broken shells and discarded glass. She feels none of it, though. All she feels is numb. Why did he do this?

She gets no answers when she gets home to confront him. Only more accusations and insults.

"I can't stand either your greed or your duplicity. And the worst is being under the same roof as you, breathing the same air. This is an indescribably terrible thing. So bad that it's impossible to sustain it."

The pain she feels from his verbal blows is too much for her to take. She feels almost as if she can't breathe, his words so cruel. So she leaves. But not without parting words from Cavidan.

"So you leave just as you came. You have not been able to take away my son or my property. I'll take my last name from you. My son will divorce you! And without paying a single penny! You will lose everything that you thought you won. Now take your useless pride and get out!"

She doesn't know how she endured that house for so long. So it would seem like it would be a relief to finally have an excuse to leave. But for some reason, it doesn't. For some strange reason, leaving feels wrong. She sits on a bench and can't stop herself from thinking. She made a vow to her uncle not to give up on her marriage for any reason. But does he intend for her to stay and be mistreated and abused by Cavidan? Basically called a whore by her own husband?

But will leaving be the equivalent of admitting she's guilty of whatever Emir thinks she's done? She isn't guilty of anything. She's never done anything to be ashamed of. She needs to stand her ground.

So she goes back.

He's surprised to see her. And if she's honest with herself, she's a little surprised to be back. She's as angry at him as she is confused by him. She's hurt, but she's also determined.

"I don't know what you blame me for. But I will fight for this marriage," she tells him. "I will close my eyes to your every injustice, to every insult. Because I didn't do anything to make me bow my head. And I will not. I can keep my head held high. I will be silent before you. I will endure. One day you will understand that you were mistaken. I will endure until that day comes. One day this nightmare that you made me experience will come to an end. So I will endure until that day comes. My patience will be your punishment. Because you will understand you were wrong."

She pulls out the check, making sure he sees it. Making sure he knows what it is. Making sure he knows it means nothing to her. Then she looks him in the eyes and tears it up, tossing the pieces to the floor. She leaves him standing there because she just doesn't want to see him at the moment. Let him be the one to do the thinking now. 

Chapter 1 Coming soon! 

But here's a sneak peek:

"But seriously, Emir," Zafer continues. "If this document is what you think it is, if she did in fact marry you for money, would that be a deal breaker? I mean, you didn't want to marry her, but you've fallen for her anyway. And you're about to lose her. Why not make her fall in love with you instead? Don't think of this as a setback. Think of it as a challenge. Don't be so quick to let her go."

Does he want to lose her? The fact that he didn't even bother to deny Zafer's claim that he's fallen for Reyhan is his answer. Because it's true: he has fallen for her. And he can't lie: his heart broke a little when he saw her walking away from him. He can admit now that he didn't want her to leave. But his anger, and his pride, kept him from asking her to stay. But he can't let his pride be a part of this right now. He can no longer just sit back and do nothing.

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