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⚠️ warning/ disclaimer ⚠️ :
This is my COMPLETELY fictional story, given that fact I have chosen to move the time frame that some of the players were on the team. In this story LaMarcus is already off the team when CJ gets drafted.

"What are you doing" Coach yelled at me as I shot a three. I watched it clank off the rim and CJ get the rebound. I jogged back down on defense, and I chased after CJ and tried to block him which ended in us getting tangled up together and him falling on me. I groaned in pain as I felt my knee shift when I tried to land but the weight of CJ falling on me caused my knee to twist in a direction it shouldn't be able to. I got up and tried to walk which resulted in me ending right back up where I had previously been, on the ground. "Get up" coach said.

"I can't Terry" I said and he raised his eyebrows. He motioned for the team to stop what they were doing and he walked over to me.

"What's wrong" he asked me as he knelt down beside me.

"I just fucked up my knee" I said and he chuckled softly.

"Come on, get up and you can walk it off. You definitely didn't fuck up your knee, you'd be in a lot more pain" he said as he stood up and offered me a hand. I took it and let him pull me off the ground as I tried to gradually put weight on my leg.

"I can't coach" I said.

"Come on Damian" he said sternly.

"I really can't" I said, and that one sentence somehow brought back memories that I had tried to forget and push to the back of my mind. I felt myself getting lost in my thoughts when I snapped myself back to reality. I am not about to make a fool of myself and break down in front of everyone. "Give me a second" I said as I instantly forgot about the pain in my knee and jogged off of the court, past the locker rooms and outside.

I leaned against the wall as it became increasingly harder to breath, the ground started to spin as I felt myself getting dizzy, and the rain that was softly drizzling wasn't helping the situation.

"It's ok" I kept repeating to myself as I tried to slow my heart rate down and stop the tears that were streaming down my face. It's not like you could tell I was crying anyways because the rain had already started falling harder, soaking me and the clothes I was wearing. Going back inside was not an option now. "It's ok" I whispered again to myself "your ok" I added softly as I leaned my head back against the wall.

"Damian" I heard CJ question and I jumped slightly.

"Oh CJ" I said softly as I turned my back to him, I definitely didn't want him to see me like this. "I didn't realize you were there" I mumbled.

"I didn't realize you had came out here" he said as the door closed behind him and he placed his hand on my shoulder, turning me to face him. I looked him up and down and saw that he had changed from his practice clothes into a dry fit jacket and sweats. "What's going on" he asked me once we made eye contact.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I said. I could hear the coldness in my voice, and I knew he would know I was lying, but I didn't feel like talking to him about it. I didn't feel like talking to anyone about it. I told him everything I had to say that one night and that's it, he's not going to learn anymore.

"Something was said that really messed with you, you stood there staring at the floor for a good minute before you just left" he said. Could he really read me that easily? I tore my eyes off from the ground and I glanced up at him and our eyes locked. "You wanna talk about it" he suggested and I shook my head no. I looked away from him and back at the ground.

"Damian" he said softly. The tone of his voice caught me by surprise. It was soft and caring, almost loving, but there was a hint of seriousness to it. Almost like whatever was causing me to hurt meant something to him, like me hurting was causing him to hurt, and he needed to know whatever it is that's causing me pain.

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