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"It's snowing" I heard CJ gasp as he checked the weather on his phone "and it's Valentine's Day, that's so sweet" he said and I rolled my eyes in response. "You don't like the snow" he asked me shocked and I shook my head no.

"It doesn't snow in California, I'm not used to it, and I always spend Valentine's Day alone" I chuckled and he pouted

"But it's so pretty Dame" he wined "and you could spend the day with me." He offered and I raised my eyebrows in response.

"I'm not saying I don't like, I'm just not used to it" I said as I tossed my bag over my shoulder, ignoring the second part of his statement. Not that I didn't want to spend the day with him or anything, I would just be awkward the whole time and I didn't feel like trying to fake feelings right now. He smiled a little and nodded.

"It snows all the time in Ohio so I'm definitely used to it" he said mocking me and I smiled. "It's the first snow" he said and I nodded again. "The first snow is always the nicest because after that everything is just a frozen, muddy mess."

"Mmmh" I mumbled as I glanced at the time on my phone. "Hey I've gotta get going" I said trying to get out of the situation I was in. He frowned a little at my remark.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow" he questioned and I nodded.

"Yeah I'll be here" I replied. His phone started ringing, officially ending the small talk between us. I took that as my opportunity to leave before he could hang up and start a new conversation. I waved before I walked out of the locker room and outside. I shivered at the cold as I stopped for a second to look at the white ground, CJ was right it was really was beautiful. It wasn't that cold last year, so I guess it's gonna be twice as cold this year, guessing by the temperature it was now.

"I thought somebody hated the snow" I heard CJ say from behind me and I smiled. Just the sound of his voice made my heart skip a beat.

"I don't hate it, I just didn't grow up with it like you" I said as I turned around, and when I did I felt a ball of snow come in contact with my body. I gasp and glared at him. "That's unfair! You can't get a head start like that" I said as he laughed. I took a second to admire how cute he looked, almost like a kid playing in the snow and laughing. I picked up a small ball of snow and tossed it at him and he chuckled when it hit him.

"Weak" he muttered and I acted offended.

"Damian Lillard is not weak" I said as I tried to defend myself. He tossed another round ball of ice at me and I dodged it. He huffed when he saw he was unsuccessful in hitting me and I laughed. I picked up some snow and tossed it at him.

"Still weak" he mumbled and I rolled my eyes. I picked up another ball and hit him with it as soon as I was hit with one.

"Damn CJ, have you been working out" I traded and he jokingly flipped me off. "I'm just saying because that kinda hurt" I said as I picked another pile of snow up from the huge pile in between us.

They had to clean off the snow from the parking lot so that we could get to our cars, and somehow me and CJ had made our way over to the pile so it would be easier to get snow. I hit him again and dodged his next one. I laughed but was soon shut up when I felt a ball of snow hit my face. I shook my head trying to get the remaining snow off and I ran my hand through my hair.

"Unfair! Head shots never count" I protested and he laughed. He tried to throw one at me but he was cut off my laughter.

"You should have seen you face" he chuckled and now it was my turn to flip him off. "I'm just saying" he said with a smile as I made another snowball.

"Well you should have seen yours" I said with a smile before I actually tried to hit him.

"Damian!" He exclaimed as he rubbed his shoulder area. "That actually hurt" he said and I playfully shrugged.

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