Chapter 3

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"Ian I need two fake passports." "Oh I assume he found you" he said well more like asked.

"How long are you going to  keep  running away." I sigh.

" He is going to find you and the little boy. Don't you think he deserves to know that he has a son. How do you think your son feels moving from  country to country."

Wow I guess I was to caught up in running away cause of the fifty million I stole from him.

I never thought about what he wants or
how he feels."Carmella, are you still there." He asked.

"Yeah, I'm still here." Oh god, what do I do.

If I go back to him I'm sure he'll kill me and Lorenzo will be motherless or he will be  raised by his sluts.

Ugh I leave and Lorenzo will keep asking about his father.

My son will never have a proper child hood.

" Ian, just send the passports" I said. " Mells, think about this." He begged.

"Ugh Ian, you shouldn't have helped me run if you were going to get cold feet." I said a little annoyed.

Ugh sometimes he's annoying.

"Im not getting cold feet. I'm just thinking about the my poor boy. You saw how he was that time he asked about his father."

Yeah I remember.

Wait a minute, he sounds close. I turned to look at my side seeing Ian.

How did he know I was here. He noticed my shocked face."I tracked your phone."

That was fast." I was nearby." He explained. "Do you have some super powers reading my mind?" I asked

"Uncle ian!" I shrieked. My boy woke up.
" Hey little man." "Uncle, some bad guys were chasing us." He explained.

"Really, did you kick their ass." Oh god there he goes swearing.

"Mom, uncle said the bad word. He owes me five dollars." "Yeah Ian, you owe him." I taunted. "You'll milk me dry my boy." He takes out his wallet and gave a five dollar

"Mom, tell uncle Ian I'm not a boy."

"Ian, he's a man." He just laughs. "Mom can I play games on your phone.

"Sure,here." I hand him my phone.

Ian gave me a folder." Here is everything thing you're gonna need."

"You'll find a man waiting for you at a Mercedes Benz at the airport. He'll give you a duffle bag full of cash." I nod.

"Thanks" I say. He has been there for me . I expected him to betray me like everyone did to me.

My family, my friend.


I look at him. What I saw was love, adoration,care. He did the least thing I expected him to do.


I kissed him back. The kiss was full of lust, hunger and desire. Our lips moved
together in a rhythm. It was so passionate.


"I knew you were going to kiss" said a smiling Enzo. I pull away from the kiss.
"You guys are cute together."Oh lord help me.

"Aren't you supposed to be the kid here" Ian asked Enzo. I blushed Ian would make an amazing dad one day.

What. Snap out of it Carmella.

What are you thinking?

Not only you steal Fifty million him, you runaway with his child. You are giving his position to the man he dislikes.

Ian's phone rings."I have to go, Vincenzo is on your tail." "You are leaving?" asks a sad Lorenzo.

"Yes, I'm going to buy you some milkshake" he lies. "ooh, ok " he smiled happily."I'll see you some day."He winks  as I blushed.

As he opened the car door getting out before closing it.

His body went to another car behind which I did not notice was behind. He drove off.

" Enzo, we're going to our new home."
"Oh we are moving" he sound sad." What about the milkshake?"

"Uhm, uncle Ian will follow us." He nod meaning he bought my lies.

Why am I such a bad mother.

It runs in your blood.

Yeah right

You know I'm right. Your mother was a bad mother. A fucking drunkard. She left you at the park alone for a dick.

No, no stop. I'm am not like her. I'm not a bad mother. I take a deep breath.

"Yes but this time we are staying there for good." I assure him. I will try and give him a proper childhood. I have try.



I'm not a bad mother. I start the engine and drive to our new home.


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