Chapter 7-Spokane falls

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When I woke up, he was looking at me, resting on one elbow.

"Morning princess " he said with the brightest smile.

"Can you back up a little , I have morning breath" I said pushing him.

"No you don't" , he said and kissed me.

"You know I woke up thinking last night was a dream" he said .

"It wasn't " I said rolling my eyes. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth" I added.

I tried to get up and my legs were wobbly, I had to sit for a bit, he bursted out in laughter .
"You can't walk ?" He asked stifling a laugh.

"Shut up" I said.
He came to me and gave me a hand.

"Are you that sore?" He asked.

"I guess I am". I said .

"You need painkillers? " he asked . Even though there was no mocking tone in his voice I couldn't help but remember what Josh did to me.

"Oh hell no" I said remembering that Josh cheated on me because of painkillers.

"It's not like I'm gonna go sleep with someone right now," he said laughing.

"Shut up Sam, I'll be fine" I said going into the bathroom.

By the time I was done , my bed was arranged and he had a towel and a bottle of coconut oil in his hands smiling.

"Sam?" I said.

"Yes Princess?" He said smiling .

"Why do you have a towel and oil?" I asked .

"I'm gonna give you a massage" he said with a smile.

"Oh, never had a massage before" I said excited.

"Come here" he said .
I went close to him and he untied my robe. He sucked in a breath while looking at my body.
"I wasn't dreaming, you really are perfect" he said.

I felt a little awkward and I tried to cover myself with the robe,
"Don't, please, don't ever hide from me" he said.

"Okay let's get to massaging "he said , pulling the robe from me.
"Lay tummy flat on the bed" he said .

I did as told and he used the towel to cover my butt. He started massaging me, he knew what he was doing because It felt so good.

I felt like he straightened every bone in my body.

"Where did you learn to do this" I asked .

"YouTube " he said.

Why did he learn to massage on YouTube, does he normally massage the girls he sleeps with?

"Why did you learn?" I asked very very curious.

"I used to massage my grandma when she was alive, she preferred me to any other masseuse " he said .

"Oh". I said . "Sam?"

"Yeah" he said .

"Did you bring condoms from NYC?" I asked.

"No I didn't" he said .

"Then you bought here?" I asked.

"Yes I did" he said.

"You were gonna have sex with who exactly?" I asked further.

" Princess , I knew I liked you, but I didn't think I was gonna make a move on you at all, I got the condoms when I went into that convenience store a couple of days ago, I knew Lukka was here and I just thought I would hookup with some random girl while hanging with him and the guys, so I bought it just in case" he said.

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