Chapter 3-Was that your first time?

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I woke up 30mins before my alarm went off.  I sat up on my bed thinking of how this trip would go.  Then I got a message alert on my phone. I checked and saw it's a new number.

Unknown - hey Princess, it's BB. You up?

I almost wondered how he got my number but I remembered I gave it to him. I saved the number immediately with "Sam".

Me - Hi Sam. Yeah I'm up.

Sam - okay I wanted to make sure . See you in about 2 hrs time. You sure you don't need me to pick you up?

Me- yeah I'm sure .

Sam- okay then.

I dropped my phone and went to the kitchen . I made toast and bacon and grabbed a box of my favorite grape juice. . After eating I head up to the shower to get ready for the trip.


Sam was seated beside me on the plane.  He was telling me about the time he had to hide in the bathroom of an event because he was avoiding a fan.

"It's funny how much people stalk me, and I'm not even that famous, 4.5 million followers on Ig and they acting like it's 100m.  I really had to call security to come get me. " he said. Such a show off .

"She's just a huge fan. Cut her some slack" I said.

"It's funny that I actually see her everywhere. Like I recognize her, she's creeps me the fuck out. It's upsetting seeing her in private places. Like me driving out of my house and she's just standing there. She legit told me at the party that she would have me to herself."  He  defended.

"Okay that's weird" I said.

"It's not my fault I look this handsome" he said winking at me while running his fingers through his blonde curly hair. I really like the length of his hair though, I wonder the amount of products he uses on it.

"You are such a narcissist" I told him. He really is though. And he always look so good. He makes it look so easy to look that good.   Even though he's just wearing grey sweats.

 "You act like I'm not good looking, you know I am" he said teasingly

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"You act like I'm not good looking, you know I am" he said teasingly.

The pilot gave a short briefing telling us we were about to takeoff and that we should make sure our seatbelts are fastened properly.

In a few minutes, the plane started moving. I started feeling a little uneasy. While we were about to go up in the sky I shut my eyes and held the arm of my seat really tightly.

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