A few more minutes pass before we hear one more ring st the door. I let Soobin in and, surprisingly enough, I don't feel even a tiny bit of stress or worry.

We spend the entire afternoon talking and laughing, when I receive a text from Beomgyu.


What are you doing?

I'm with Tae and Kai and Soobin

Without me?

You're sick baby

Have a good time
I guess

I purse my lips. Did he get offended?


I need to get something done.

An idea suddenly makes its way to my brain.

"Guys, I have a plan!" I say.
"Plan for what?" asks Kai, turning to the others like they would know.
"We're gonna go to Beomgyu's. He's really tired and his mother doesn't want him to go out, but I think he's salty because I didn't invite him over. You don't mind right?" I add.

Kai looks at Taehyun, a mischievous smile on his face, then turns to Soobin.

"I don't think we mind" he answers, earning a chuckle from Soobin.

As we drive to Beomgyu's house, Taehyun, Soobin and Kai keep taunting me about my relationship with Beomgyu. I sigh, exasperated, as I look at the road, smiling every once in a while at their comments.

Once we arrive, neither of us dare knock on the door. We literally just decided to come to Beomgyu's house uninvited after all. Kai is the one who finally decides to knock.

Beomgyu's mother opens in the minute.

"Yeonjun! Hi. Uh... Beomgyu's sick, I told you. You will surely not be able to do much" she says guiltily.
"Miss Choi, Beomgyu sent me a message and he seemed sad that I didn't invite him over to my house when I invited Kai, Soobin and Taehyun here" I start saying.
"And because he's surely too tired to move, we decided to come to him!" says Kai excitedly.

Miss Choi chuckles at Kai's excitement and lets us in, going with us to Beomgyu's room.

"Beomgyu darling, Yeonjun's here" she says.
"Who...? Why...?" I hear a faint voice say.
She looks back at Taehyun, Kai and Soobin before answering "Yeonjun, Kai... Taehyun and Soobin"
"Oh... Let them.... In" he says.

Miss Choi lets us inside and goes back downstairs. The three of us enter Beomgyu's room, but I can't take in everything I see.

Beomgyu was almost as pale as the sheets under him and he was laying on his back in the bed, barely moving. I suddenly got a feeling of deja-vu.

The lake incident.

Kai lets a soft gasp escape his lips, walking softly towards Beomgyu.

"What happened?" He softly whispers.

I know his strategy: making Beomgyu seem like he has more strength than him by talking more softly than him.

"I... It's... A cold" he says, barely managing anything over a whisper.

Taehyun though, wasn't as familiar with the strategy as Kai. "A bad cold? Are you okay? You'll heal fast, right?"
Beomgyu nods. "One... Week or two"

The red-haired boy sighs, relieved, and sits beside Beomgyu on the bed.

Soobin slowly approaches Beomgyu, not willing to get too close yet.

Beomgyu, surely sensing Soobin's nervousness, looks at me with a 'please leave us two alone' look on his face, so I bring Taehyun and Kai downstairs to meet Miss Choi.

Beomgyu POV

Once Yeonjun and the others leave, I move a little in my bed to leave some space for Soobin, who sits down still hesitantly.

"I still don't think I made you the correct apologies" he starts.
I roll my eyes. "You did. Let it go. I did"
He looks at me and smiles. "I got something for you. I'll give it to you, you can choose to take it or not. It's... Not legal, so i thought I'd let you choose"
I lift a brow and start talking in the shortest sentences possible. "What is it? Is it against the law? I'm no criminal. I'm no outlaw."
"It's a pill one of my university friends made. It had very strong healing capabilities. He tried it on himself when he caught the flu last month and was cured in two days. I don't think it's strong enough to heal your condition, obviously, but it will get rid of your cold"
I nod, only realizing later what he meant "Did Yeonjun tell you I was sick??"
He stays silent for a bit. "It's obvious, Beomgyu. It really is"

We both stay quiet before he takes my hand and places an oval-shaped pill in it.
"If you don't want to take it, throw it away, ok?"

That evening, before going to bed, I eye the pill suspiciously. I don't want to die of overdose, but he says it could heal a flu in two days....

I stare at it for a long, long time, unable to make my choice.

Should I really risk it?


So, should he risk it? Huh?

Sorry this chapter was a little bit everywhere. 😅

Have a good day / night. Gudbaiiii

Stay With Me - Yeongyu FFWhere stories live. Discover now