Chapter 4

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Beomgyu POV

I wake up very early on Friday because of how excited I was during the week. As I get up, I make sure that I'm perfectly fine, even talking to myself to check my slur. At breakfast, I can't stop rambling about my date with Yeonjun to my mom, excluding the fact that we were actually going on a date and not on a "friendly hangout" like I tell her. She smiles, happy that I finally found myself a good friend.

Yeonjun's father comes to pick me up at 11:30 with his son. I bid goodbye to my mom and follow him to the car, Mr. Choi brings us to the mall while giving instructions to Yeonjun and me. "Beomgyu, if you feel the slightest bit weak, tell Yeonjun and I'll come get you. I'm sure your mother will never accept that you hang out with Yeonjun ever again if I bring you home passed out in the backseat"

"Don't worry, Mr. Choi. I don't want to embarrass Yeonjun in front of thousands of people" I answer shyly.

Once we arrive at the mall, Mr. Choi tells us to call him when we want / need to leave and drives off. I'm too excited to think properly as Yeonjun takes me into the mall, but soon, the amount of people inside makes me dizzy. The sounds all around me make me feel like fainting, but I manage to stay on my feet. I quickly feel a hand around my arm and look up at Yeonjun, holding me to guide me around. 

Can he see that I'm not at my best right now? Does he feel dizzy like me? Am I just not adjusting to social life easily because I'm always locked in? 

I shake these questions away as I start to get used to the sounds and crowd. 

"Where are we gonna eat?" I ask.

"Already thinking food? Take your time Beomgyu. If you want, there's an arcade here we can go to before eating or--"

"Food." I cut him. I love arcades and all, but I want to eat. 

I always want to eat.


He chuckles as he drags me around like a three-year-old. I usually don't like it when people treat me like that, but this time I don't really mind, maybe because I love him. 

He stops at some restaurant that I don't know and pushes me towards the menu set at the entrance to check if I want to eat there. 

I don't look at the menu, but at the sparkle of hope in his eyes indicating that he really wanted to eat there. I just nod at him. He smiles and brings me to an empty table. It's only at that moment that I look at the menu in front of me and, sure enough, it seemed like something I'd like.

After lunch, Yeonjun starts guiding me towards the cinema. Suddenly, I don't feel like watching a movie, and I ask Yeonjun to bring me to the arcade. Just like when we entered the mall, the music there makes me dizzy. Yeonjun shakes me, asking me if I'm okay.

"I think I just need to adjust to the loud world of socialism"

He laughs at my answer and drags me into the arcade. I used to go to arcades a lot when I was still at school, but this is my first time playing after having my diagnosis. Yeonjun mostly insisted on playing duo games with me and I managed to win a couple plushies at claw machines for him and me. 

We don't realise how long we've been playing until I receive a call from my mom.

"Darling? Where are you? Are you on the way home?" She asks, seemingly worried.

I check the time before answering and look up at Yeonjun, shocked. It was already 5pm.

"Uhm… After the movie we stopped at an arcade, we're leaving now" I answer, trying to hide the fact that we've been playing games for 5 hours.

"Okay Beomgyu" 

I can barely tell her goodbye before she hangs up. When I look back at Yeonjun, he is already on the phone with his father. We go back to the ground floor of the mall and wait for his father to arrive and about thirty minutes later, we were driving home.

I was surprised that I didn't feel tired yet, and by the time we reach my house, I'm still perfectly fine. When I leave the car, I timidly ask Yeonjun's father if his son could stay with me until dinner and when he agrees, I pull Yeonjun out of the car and into my house before he can even say anything. 

My mom welcomes us home as we enter the house. I asked her if Yeonjun could stay until dinner, already knowing her answer. She agrees and I drag Yeonjun up to my room.

"Can I say something now? Damn, you're strong when you want to be" Yeonjun complains as I close the door to my room.

"Yeah, sorry. I feel so good today"

"Good for you"

I sit down beside him on my bed. Slowly, I see his head start approaching mine, his face getting closer, but I'm the one who closes the gap between our lips this time. We kiss until we're out of breath, smiling like idiots.

We stay together until about 7pm, when Yeonjun's father comes to pick his son up for dinner. By that time, we must've kissed about 50 times or more, and I don't want him to leave. Yeonjun suggests that I come over to his house the week after for a sleepover, and I tell him that I can't answer him just yet, that I'll text him when I know.

After he leaves, I can't get the questions I ask myself out of my head. What would we do? Could he actually be a bad person? How can I be sure that I can hang on for two days in a house that isn't mine?

That evening, when I ask my mom if she'll let me go, I brace myself for the worst, but she thinks it's a good idea and starts preparing an emergency bag for me almost immediately and tells me a bunch of rules I should follow. I'm glad that she accepted Yeonjun's offer as my worries start to fade seeing how much 'Ma cares for me.

Stay With Me - Yeongyu FFWhere stories live. Discover now