Chapter 35

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Beomgyu POV

The following morning, I wake up with no help from anyone. I instantly remember the special date and the plan with 'Ma's friend and get excited. Too soon, because it was only 5 am. And now, I can't go back to sleep, because I keep thinking about it. But I still stay in bed. By pure laziness though.

I think I must've fallen asleep again, unless my blinks now last 2 hours, because now it's 7 am. Decent wake up time.

Not. What kind of person wakes up at 7am if not for work or school? Whoever does is INSANE.

But because I don't manage to go back to sleep, I get up and start getting ready. Yeonjun hadn't given me an hour or a place to meet at, so I'm guessing he's coming to pick me up.

I then receive a message from 'Ma's friend, who says he'll come by 9 a.m. I then text Yeonjun, telling him that I'm already awake and just have to finish getting ready. While I wait for his reply, I think about what to wear. I settle on the outfit I had the day we met, hoping he'll remember, and that it'll make him happy. I decide to put on a little bit of makeup, just some light eyeshadow and lipstick, because my eyelids are super red, and my lips look pale, sickly. Of course, I am sick, but they look… sicker, I guess. Hopefully the makeup isn't too noticeable, I'm scared Yeonjun will think it's because of some skin-related, "don't-like-myself" kind of thing, but really, it's because I don't want to have to answer questions from any passers-by.

I then get Yeonjun's reply, who says he'll be here in an hour or so. I guess I woke him up. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know why I'm thinking this. But I finish getting ready and wait patiently, half on my phone, half reading a book. 'Ma wakes up before I leave, so l chat with her. She asks me if I ate, and why I didn't. I tell her that I think I'll be eating with Yeonjun, because he is going to pick me up at 8:30p.m. She nods, seeming to be in doubt. I don't blame her, I usually never eat breakfast, and it shows on my bad days. We talk a little more while waiting for Junie. He arrives a little before 8:30, which is fine,and I leave 'Ma "alone". Her friend will be here in half an hour, and hopefully it won't be too awkward for them. Yeonjun asks why I'm smiling so sheepishly, So I explain what I've planned between 'Ma and one of her old friends secretly. Well, her friend knows, but not 'Ma. Yeonjun just finds it funny and cute, and continues to drive us… somewhere. Where are we even going? I can't recognise this place. I look at Yeonjun, my way-too-used-to-horror-movies brain expecting to see a murderer beside me instead of my lover, with Junie's body in the backseat, but it's still Junie. laugh at my own stupid mind, surprising Yeonjun. I explain what I thought I'd see because I don't know where we're going.

"That's because we're going out of the city!" he says joyfully. I look at him, surprised. Where could we possibly be going?

I decide not to ask to preserve the surprise. After a good hour, we finally stop near a river. Yeonjun joyfully leaves the car and starts unpacking the things in the trunk. I get out and go beside him.

"I wanted a picnic with you!" he explains. I smile. I wanted a picnic too…

I tell him I haven't eaten breakfast because I thought we would eat together. He mini-scolds me, but gives me some chocolate bread he had brought, saying I was lucky that he thought about it. He's right, but at least I got free choco bread.

Yeonjun takes out a fat freezer-kinda-bag and sets it down on the grass, explaining what he'd planned for today.

"There are a lot of things to do around here, I came here a few times. We can swim in the river (I brought goggles this time) and we can do some parkour in the park over there, there's sports facilities, and there's some good selfie spots, and (we can just rest huh?) there is also just a playground, I'm feeling a little childish"
I laugh "It all sounds fun"

Stay With Me - Yeongyu FFOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz