Chapter 27

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Beomgyu POV

The day after Yeonjun came over, I decide to pay him a surprise visit, just in case he's been grounded.

After making sure I was perfectly healthy, I asked 'Ma to drive me to my baby's house. Once I arrived, 'Ma decided to stay with me and talk to Yeonjun's parents. So we ring the doorbell, excusing ourselves for the surprise visit once Mrs Choi had opened and I was sure that Yeonjun wasn't around. 'Ma stayed with her and I went directly to Yeonjun's room. At the door, I had an idea. I sneakily scratched my nails against the wood of the door and hid in the corridor.

But he didn't come out, so I went back to the door and scratched it again.

This time, he opened the door with a "Who's there?", so I ran into the bathroom close to his room. Keeping the door a bit opened, I peaked to see Yeonjun's slightly panicked eyes as he closed his door again.

I went back to the door, scratching it harder, but ended up breaking my nail in the process, giving myself away as I have a small cry of pain.

But I still managed to surprise Yeonjun.

"Beomgyu! What are you doing here?"

"Well, uh, I thought that maybe you had been grounded so I decided to come see you! But now I need a nail file cause I broke my nail against the door"

"So you were the one scratching the door!? Don't do that! It's so scary" he said, like a coward.

I nodded joyfully, happy that I managed to scare him.

Yeonjun walks to his dresser and takes a nail file out of a bag of miscellaneous nail-related supplies, giving it to me.

"Come sit on my bed, you'll be better, and I don't want you to get too tired"

I smile as an answer and walk through his now-sinister-looking black room. The blinds had been pulled shut and the only light on was a somehow comforting night light on his bedside table. I sit down beside him in the blue bedsheets, taking care of my nail.

Once I was done, I got up to put back the nail file in his bag. When I turned around, I saw something that brought a smile to my lips.

Yeonjun was laying down in his bed, with my teddy in his arms.

"I, er... tried to call you yesterday" he says once he sees me looking at him.

"I saw the missed call this morning. I was sleeping"

"It's okay, don't worry"

"Did something happen?"

"I just... needed a bit of comfort"

He then goes on, explaining that his father had asked him to watch out about the influence he had on me and how that got him mad and he had cried quite a while because he didn't like being told to be different.

"I don't like that either. I'm sorry I wasn't there to comfort you and help you relax" I say once he was done.

"It's okay, don't worry. Somehow, all that crying felt relaxing itself"

"Pretty sure crying isn't the best stress relief though"

He chuckles "It's not"

Then, at the same time, we add "To me, you're the best for comfort"

I end up blushing wildly, slightly surprised by the synchronization, while Yeonjun smiles at me with a loving sparkle in his eyes.

"My... parents really believe that similar thoughts mean that person's the one and shit, so don't mind me" he says, stuttering his way through his sentence.

"Mine don't really care about legends and superstitions and they keep saying that they defied most of them by falling in love, but I've never been told to not believe in them so... I think we're fair" I answer, my own words not truly making sense with one another because of these evergrowing butterflies in my stomach.

Even when Yeonjun and I first started dating, I didn't feel these butterflies. I knew I was in love because... Well, I don't even know why. I guess my love for him grew as time went on, and I really hope it did for him too.

I smiled to myself and went back to the bed, beside him. Seeing him with the teddy made me want to have mine too, but I hadn't brought it. Yeonjun saw me eyeing the teddy and gave it back to me.

"I give you the right to hug it. BUT it's still mine" he says as he gives me a soft kiss on my forehead. I smile and thank him, hugging the plush tightly, taking as much of Yeonjun's scent as I can in the short time I had with the doll. Yeonjun had had it for a while now, and his scent was very strong all over it, which felt different from what I usually smelled when hugging Yeonjun himself.

I am not very fond of smells and everything, but I find his really good. It was like a mix of different things. I could most easily identify the smell of orchids and roses in the early morning dew. On this teddy, it was the only thing I could smell. That's how I realised that he usually puts on perfume, because if I hug him, the smell of these flowers is pushed back, replaced by a smell of wild raspberries. A strong yet sweet smell that I have come to love. I think I should ask to see his perfume bottle some day, to see if I'm correct.

After a while, Yeonjun takes the teddy back.

"It's my turn to get a hug now" he says.

I turn around and give him a hug. I feel him caress my hair behind my back.

We just stayed silent. There wasn't a single interaction between us. The only movements made were Yeonjun's caresses and our breathing. I heaved a soft sigh.

I had always thought that a relationship was only kisses, hugs, affection. I imagined it to be something you had to prove, either by giving presents to the other person, or showing physical love. I never thought there could be a way to explain love. Words couldn't do it, that's for sure, and hugs and kisses couldn't give out emotions. I thought you could only remind one of your love for them, and not explain it.

Now I know you can.

Silence is the key.

I hadn't realised it, but silence can carry unknown words, unseen actions, to change the course of one's thoughts, giving explanations to unexplained feelings, show a hidden affection, say a silenced thought, give a kept gift, send a love until then only written on the manuscript that is one's heart.

And here, in Yeonjun's arms, I felt all the love he's ever wanted to show me, and I needn't ask him to know that he can also feel all my love and feelings for him, just like I know that he, just like I know mine is, knows his love is reciprocated


I feel like a poet.

I don't even know why.

This chapter was maybe a little bit more messed up as the other ones, I don't know. I think there is less action, maybe a little less fluff, less dialogue. It's a lot of narrator blah blah, but I still think it's worth it.

Hope you like it, best wishes for 2021 and let's hope it's not as fucked up as 2020.

Still can't get over F2020, never thought cursing could sound cute..

Anyway, HNY!

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