Chapter 20

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[Chapter 20 already daaaaaamn dis gud]

Yeonjun POV

I groan as I hear my alarm clock ringing, telling me to get out of bed and get ready to not panic.

Today was the day Beomgyu and I had decided to go see Soobin and explain everything.

It's been three weeks since Beomgyu came back from his appointment with Dr. Jeon, and he seems to be feeling almost like he used to when we met, so we had decided to go see Soobin a few days after that, just in case.

Apparently, Beomgyu had taken Soobin's phone number to talk to him as friends (before their fight of course), so he told Soobin that we were coming, as if confirmation that he wanted me to die panicking.

I then hear my phone ring from the other side of the room and get up groaning to answer.

My bad mood changes when I see who's calling.

"Hey babe" I say excitedly.
"Yeonjunie~~! Are you ready for today?" I hear him say.
"Not really. I'm a little nervous"
"You'll be fineee. Don't be scared, I'll be with you the entire time, doing most of the talking"

I smile to myself, glad that Beomgyu isn't nervous himself.

After we finish our call, I grab the car keys and drive to his house, picking him up, and we both got to Soobin's university.

His school was a prestigious one in Gangnam that his father had apparently paid for him. The school promises were huge, with about four or five different buildings. As we enter the school gardens, we realize that we don't know what Soobin studies in, nor where the dorms are.

"You don't seem to study here" I hear a young man say.
"U-Uh, no. We don't" I answer, turning towards the man.
"We're actually looking for someone" adds Beomgyu.
"Oh, ok. Can I help?" offers the blue-almost-seafoam-haired man while looking around at the other students in the gardens, his black and gold rimmed glasses shining against the afternoon sun.
"We're looking for someone called Choi Soobin. Do you know where we could find him?" I ask, sceptical.
"He's probably in his dorm room. I'll bring you there" says the boy, his dimples showing as he smiles at us.

Why does everyone have dimples? What about me?!

Beomgyu and I followed the boy to the dorm building and up a flight of stairs to a certain room.

"This is Soobin's room. If he's not in here, his roommate surely knows where he is" explains the blue haired boy before walking away with yet another smile.

"He didn't even tell us his name" says Beomgyu as he lifts his hand up to the door to knock.

I take a deep breath. I'm not ready for this.

Soobin opens the door at Beomgyu's knock.

"Oh... Hey" he says guiltily.
"We're here to clean things up" explains Beomgyu calmly, "Is now not the right time?"
"It's fine, it's ok. Come in"

Beomgyu and I follow Soobin into the room, in which two beds were narrow placed with a small dresser on each side of the room. Soobin and his roommate seemed like two different people: one side sas way neater, more colourful than the other.

Of course, his side was the bright neat one.

"You can both sit on the bed, I'll stay standing. What did you mean by 'clear things up'?" He says as he halfway himself down on the dresser.
"We... We meant that... Well you haven't came back here in years so... Things have changed" I say nervously.
"Yeah" is all he says, looking down.
"We... Listen Soobin. Yeonjun and I... We met rather weirdly and suddenly and... You guys didn't have the time to really say goodbye like you would've expected, like you've been dreaming of" starts Beomgyu,taking a few hesitant looks at me.

"Are you trying to say that Yeonjun and I was just a dream?"
"I wasn't there, Soobin. I don't know. I only know Yeonjun's version of events and, well, so much time passed that, yeah, Yeonjun moved on, Soobin. I'm sorry" he finishes.
"I'm sorry too, Soobin. But it's been so, so long and I... Well i was... I never thought we were dating. To me, it didn't seem like dating. So when I... Fell for Beomgyu, you were already considered as a distant friend" I added, hoping it wasn't too harsh.

Soobin nods. "I get it. I get it. And yeah, it's logical. I'm sorry I wasn't very active"

I laugh "I didn't contact you either"
"But just- Yeonjun's been feeling nervous because he thought, and thinks, you're still in love with him an he's, well, not. And I don't want you to dedicate your life to him. He's not worth it" I add, earning a soft slap on the shoulder from Yeonjun.

Soobin laughs "Yeah don't worry, it's okay. You too, Yeonjun. You stay calm, it's fine, I won't steal nor you nor your mans. And I'm sorry for that time" he adds, looking at me.

"Eh, you owe me a healthy body, nothing much" I say, laughing.
"It's already a lot" answers Soobin, also slightly chuckling.

We end up spending the entire afternoon together, and I only realize as we drive home that Beomgyu was right.

Now that we talked things through with Soobin, I feel much better.

When I arrive at his house, I park the car but keep it locked.

I still want some alone time with Beomgyu.

"You did amazing today. Are you feeling better?" I ask.
"Yeah, well I don't feel as good as before but I feel the best I can get. I'm not even tired right now. I'll probably be able to have a normal dinner with my mother for once" he says, smiling at me.

I chuckle and place my hand behind his neck pulling him forward.

"Thanks for today. You really helped me out. I owe you one"

He laughs, saying it's no problem.

For a moment we stay silent, just looking into each other's eyes.

And finally, I bend down towards his lips and kiss him.

After three weeks, this feels like the best present I could ever get.

After three weeks, it feels like it's the first time again. My heart beating erratically, my cheeks blushing, my lips smiling.

And that feeling, that wonderful way he kisses, that way I wish I could do. I know I'll never be able to let him go.

"I love you so, so much Choi Beomgyu" I hear myself say.
"I love you more than you do Yeonjun, believe me" he answers before kissing me again, holding me tight against his chest.

We kissed for about a minute before I reluctantly separated us.

"You should head home. It's seven in the evening, your mother's gonna worry"
"Yeah" he says, sighing as he opened the car door. "Drive home safely. Text me when you're home"
"Yes, mom" I say, rolling my eyes softly.

He chuckles, and I join him before turning on the engine, ready to leave as soon as I'll be able to get my eyes off this man GOD SERIOUSLY SKDKFKCKVOCDKDOFKDKX

When he finally enters his house, I start driving back home and suddenly everything seems... Dull. All of a sudden I feel the monotonous tendency of life coming over me as I drive through the suburbs and back home.


...I miss him already.


Did you notice who the seafoam haired man was ? O.o

And is that ending really awful..?


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