Your Absence

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TFP Optimus Prime
Heavy Angst
Subtle fluff

"Where you once were."

Description: (not requested) This is to make up for the time I didn't post anything. I also felt like writing something angsty, but didn't want that to interfere with an adorable request I got so-

Grab your tissues... Again

This is sort of shorter then usual-
(1850± words)

-RK52- and 00SquishySquiddy00,

Best get yourself some tissue boxes. This was semi-inspired by stories both of you wrote. (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃.。*♡



Yet another night, lost to the insufferable silence of an active yet empty mind. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours, and hours to the dreaded, awakening glow of the sun rising above.

Keeping track of time, is impossible when you can't even keep track of yourself. The truth and realism of that statement came to him a long time ago. The longing, for the warmth he had once felt, still cutting into him like heated knives to butter.

All he could do, was lament in the absence, as did his spark, which drummed listlessly in its cold chamber, aching for its long lost saviour.

With memories being the the only escape from the dreaded, painful reality, laying in berth, lost in his own thoughts was where he found his only comfort. He couldn't move on, no matter how hard he tried.


"You silly mech. I'm right here!"

He turned his helm, optics meeting the bright blues of another. A bright smile was displayed with her derma, an embarrassed blush sprawled across her cheek plates.



His servos wrapped themselves tighter around his audials, her voice ricocheting through his helm like an entire arms worth of bullets, armed with nostalgia as a painful aftereffect. His optics screwed shut, his digits denting the sensitive metal of his audial fins.

He brought his knees closer against his chassis, sinking himself farther into the cold berth he found comfort in no longer.


"What do you mean you didn't see me?"

His smile grew, walking towards the femme who currently had her aft stuck in a large bucket.

'--- --- --- --- ---- ---- ---------?'

She raised an optic ridge.

"No, I don't know how I got myself into this situation. Please help meee~!"

She writhed, the blush on her cheek plates only increasing tenfold. A large servo found itself around her waist, the other taking hold of the bucket.


It was suffocating, smothering. He was drowning, gasping for the air he thought he could have lived without. His mistakes, his unsaid words, action left not taken, they ate through him like acid to metal.

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