General Story Key

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Just in case some of you (somehow) don't understand basic Cybertronian language / anatomy.. hErE YoU gO

Transformer anatomy:

Helm: head

Faceplate: Face(Big surprise!)


Optic ridge(s):eyebrow(s)

Smell-receptor/ olfactory system: nose

Derma/intake: Mouth - intake can also refer to inhale/inhaling


Glossa: tongue

Denta/ Dentas: teeth

Digit(s): finger(s)


Pede(s): foot/feet


Sire: Cybertronian father

Carrier: Cybertronian mother

Mech: Male Cybertronian

Femme: Female Cybertronian

Sparkling: equivalent to a human child. Cybertronian infant.

Spark: equivalent to the human heart. Usually located in the centre of a Cybertronian's chest/chassis

Coolant/cooling liquid: liquid dispensed when overheating in an attempt to cool ones circuits to prevent system failure. Coolant is also often what Cybertronians are depicted to cry(Their tears)

Cooling fans: self explanatory

Audio receptors/audials: ears


Motor relays: Component of Transformer anatomy which allows them to move about and use their limbs. Severing it means that the Transformer is left immobile.


Back strut: spine/back

Heel strut(s): Heel(s)

Neck cables: neck

Processor: brain

Memory core: stores memories(located 'in' ones spark)

Spark mate/ Conjunx Endura: Husband / Wife / Significant Other

Amica Endura: Long-time friend

Bondmate: equivalent to Spark mate, but usually after interfacing has happened and spark bonding has been completed.

Spark bond: Once a femme and mech have bonded, they are able to share emotions and feelings through each others sparks. This also allows them to share thoughts and feel what the other is feeling. However, with practice, it is possible to learn how to shield ones feelings / thoughts from ones spark mate.

Spark Bonding can also add a slight power boost to both Cybertronian's as their sparks have practically become one, increasing their strength(This may not be cannon, but is used occasionally, as far as my knowledge goes)

Breast plate: female chassis/ metal that covers the (Protoform)breasts.

Language warning↓


Frag: fuck

Scrap/slag: shit

Aft: ass

Glitch: bitch/crazy/insane/e.g. son of a glitch! (Son of a bitch)
(also used when referring to a malfunction in the processing unit/systems)

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