"P'Ae will also protect me, Noh? He will do that?"

"Yes, Pete. He will do that. He loves you too as much as we love you or maybe more than we do."

"Really? I hope he wouldn't leave me or hurt me when he finds out I'm crazy."

"Pete! You are not crazy. You are unique but not crazy."

"But that's what all the kids are saying about me. I'm crazy."

"Pete, don't believe them. Remember, you promised that you will only believe me and P'Phun? Now you can also believe your P'Ae."

"Yes, Noh. My P'Ae?"

"Sleep now. Take a rest. Good night, our angel."

"Good night, Noh. I love you."

"I love you too, Pete."

Noh kissed Pete by the forehead and tucked him in. He started to sing a lullaby to help the latter sleep. Ae went back to the living room, head spinning but he composed himself. He needed to understand more. He took out his phone and called Can.

"Can, I can't home tonight. I'm here at Pete's place something happened during the shoot."

"Something bad happened to Pete, was it Jade's doing?"


"That bitch! What's the address to Pete's place? Oh nevermind. Tin said he knows the place. We will be there in 30 minutes."

Can dropped the call. Ae needed Can to be there and was glad that he decided to drop by. Ae went back to living room where Phun was quietly waiting.

"Did you hear them talk?"

"Yes. Sorry, P'Phun I can't help it."

"Don't worry, Ae. I always do it all the time when this happens. It was painful as hell but I need to know. Are you staying or are you leaving?"

"P'Phun, I will never leave Pete! I love him so much!"

Phun chuckled. The guy in front of him was definitely overthinking.

"I know that Ae. What I was asking is if you will be staying for the night? But thank you for reassuring me. At least now I know you will never leave Pete to be alone."

Ae blushed with the embarrassment. His heightened emotions are making him sensitive but he can't help it. This is all about Pete, the love of his life, his adorable angel, his fiance.

"I think there is someone at the gate."

"That might be Can and Tin, P'Phun."

"Okay. I'll get them."

As Phun left, Noh came and sat by the couch, looking drained and tired. He smiled at Ae.

"He is already asleep."

"That's good. Noh, what happened?"

Noh was about to explain things when Phun came back with Can and Tin.

"P'Ae, how is Pete?! Is he alright?!"

"Don't be too loud, Can. He is sleeping."

"I see but what the hell happened. I should have been there."

Can sat and Tin sat beside him, holding his hands. Noh sighed and Phun comforted him, egging him to tell everything. Noh nodded.

"Pete had a relapse of his traumatic experience. You knew about it, Ae. But Can and Tin might not. You see Pete has a very traumatic childhood. His family was murdered in front of him when he was seven and his aunt was violent to him and his uncle tried to rape him when he was ten. We grew up together in an orphanage, I met him there when he escaped his twisted life. All the experiences drew a number on him. He always had nightmares that are so vivid, he always cried at night. He would not talk to anyone. He only opened up to me and then Phun."

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