Future In-laws

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Pete was still wide awake while looking at his fiance who was sleeping soundly beside him. Ae was comfortably sleeping while resting his arms on Pete's chest in a hug. Pete still can't believe that he is now engaged to this person who has his heart.

"I'm so happy, P'Ae. No matter what happens, I won't let you go. No matter what I loose, as long as I have you, that will be enough."

Pete looked at his finger that now holds the promise of marriage and smiled as he slowly went to slumber.


Pete woke up with a very inviting aroma of food because Ae prepared another breakfast in bed for him.

"Good Morning, my adorable angel. Have your breakfast and get ready. I already called Noh and told him I'm dropping you off before going to the office."

Ae who already in his suit and preparing the breakfast, smiled sweetly.

"You really wake up early and spoiling me again."

"I'll spoil my husband-to-be as much as I want and no one can stop me! "

Ae declared while winking to Pete who giggled while indulging himself with the breakfast. In no time, Pete was able to shower and followed Ae to the kitchen. He saw Tin with Ae.

"I prepared breakfast, Tin. Make Can eat something. I'll be dropping Pete home. Feel free to stay."

The two guys saw Pete approaching them, Tin greeted Pete.

"Good morning, Pete!"

"Good morning, Tin! Is Can still asleep?"

"I think that guy has no intention to wake up at all."

Pete chuckled at Tin's comment while he asked.

"Don't you have any engagements today, Tin?"

"None. Today is my off actually but I never expected to be a baby sitter for today."

"I'm sorry, Tin. That I have to impose on taking care of my cousin but I hope you understand that what he did yesterday was something he doesn't like to do if he is given a choice. He doesn't really want to talk about it."

"No need to apologize, Ae. I understand. I'll take care of him. You both get going if you don't want to be late and you have to tell Noh about the engagement. Congratulations!"

Ae and Pete both dumbfounded and confused. They haven't told anyone about it, how come Tin knew. Tin saw their surprised expression, laughed out loud while pointing on Pete's finger.

"That's an engagement ring, right? I'll tell Can the good news. So get going."

"Thank you, Tin."

Pete and Ae said in unison and left while holding hands. Tin shook his head happily while preparing the breakfast of the crazy guy who was sleeping soundly still.


The trip to Pete's house was quiet and when they are near, the gate was opened by Noh. But Pete noticed another car parked inside. Noh greeted them with a smile and before Pete could even ask a question, someone was running and shouting to greet him with a hug.

"My baby boy, did you miss me?"

"P'Phun! When did you arrive and why didn't I know about this?"

"I want to surprise you and Noh. I arrived last night but didn't find you here. Where is that guy? I want to meet him. Is he being good to you? Did he hurt you? Did he force you to spend the night with him? Did he not even dropped you off?"

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