Memories and Decisions

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As Prija wanted, the article introducing Ae to the world was published before the sun sets that day. And in just a few hours, the story was blown out of proportions, shared in all media platforms, just like how she wanted. Now the world knows that Ae was more than a broken-hearted guy that the bitch had left in Thailand. Now the ruse they created, swayed public opinion as people started seeing how desperate Jade is. Things are getting better, definitely for their favor.

They were having a discussion about the article when Earth finished another call and announced something,

"Auntie, Ae, Jade's lawyer said that the DNA testing will be done at Bangkok Medical Center, the day after tomorrow. They demanded that only the parties involved which means Ae, Jade and Sud together with their lawyers will be there. And I accepted their terms."

Pete stiffened but Ae gave his hand a loving squeeze to comfort and ground him. Pete reciprocated the act with a smile.

"That's okay with me, P'Earth." Ae responded with a nod. Then Prija looked at Earth with all seriousness.

"That's the hospital where Jade's aunt works, Earth. But I know you will know how to handle it."

"Yes, Auntie. I have already made sure. Jade will not be able to falsify anything this time. But I also made sure that it will look like she had. Also, Mixx will come here directly tomorrow morning and we will have the details about the child by then."

Prija nodded with satisfaction and a proud smile.

"My boys are so capable. I don't even have to lift a finger."

Earth preened with the praise while Ae rolled his eyes fondly at their mother. While Pete watched the scene, awestricken. Prija decided that the day had enough drama and push everyone to bed. Tomorrow, they will know more.


The next day, Mixx was in Ae's apartment as Earth promised. After greeting everyone, they gathered in the living room. Noh and Phun were also there as early as they were allowed to intrude. Prija, of course, led their discussion.

"Thank you for doing this for us Mixx. Tell us all about the child."

"No thank you required, Auntie. But what I found out is not a happy story that I am hating that bitch more every minute! Sud was found on the orphanage's gate when he was barely 2 years old, full of bruises, wounds and scars. He has been in the orphanage for like 3 years before Jade found her. Yes, he is too small to be 5 and would pass like a 3 year old. The workers there said he is an aloof, shy kid. Always alone. He had been fostered several times but since he doesn't speak much, he is always returned to system. He was not difficult to care for but not knowing anything about what he is thinking, makes it really hard for people to care for him."

Pete was silently crying as he listened. He cannot stop the tears that escapes his eyes. It  hit too close to home for him. This made Mixx stop but Pete nodded to encourage him to continue.

"They found out who Sud's parents were but even after talking to them, they wouldn't take him back. They said that the child left on its own and that he was a good riddance. They have no choice but to put him in the system. Then Jade came, befriended everyone in orphanage and spend time with Sud that they feel that she was the family that the kid needed. They can see him warming up to her a little that's why when she said she will foster Sud, they agreed immediately until they saw the video. They were outraged, to say the least, and tried contacting her but the number she left was a fake one. They were lost on what to do and when I came there, they see me as a hope, a way to help the child and they readily provided all I needed with the condition that I bring him back there. They love the child even though he seldom speaks and would keep to himself."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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